New Here...Starting with my wake-up experience

experiences with otherworldly beings

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New Here...Starting with my wake-up experience

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

Hello out there. New to this forum. Really just searching for a place to share and discuss these experiences anonymously with sympathetic characters. Don't really have any flesh and blood folk I can share this stuff with, so TAG! you're it! WARNING: I like to write so posts can be on the long side. Sorry. :roll:

I guess I'll start with the experience that really woke me up to what was really going on. I had always had strange experiences, but, truthfully, I just shoved them to the back of my mind because they made no sense. At most, I thought they might just be neat spiritual experiences. But something happened a few years ago that made me re-view and re-evaluate everything I had ever experienced up to the present.

To begin I'd just like to emphasize I was raised in the country by country folk who love Jesus and don't have room for much else. I really wasn't raised around "UFO stuff". Stuff of that nature was considered demonic and was not suitable for discussion. I remember when the book Communion came out. I was in elementary school. I remember looking at the cover of the book at the store and wondering about it. My mom caught me looking at it and said it was a picture of a demon, so I put it out of my mind. Truthfully, UFOs and aliens really never entered my mind at all until January of 2008 when, out of the blue, I saw my first UFO. I would see many over the next two years. To me they were just curious lights in the sky. I didn't even think about what could be flying them. I wouldn't allow myself. Since I didn't have any evidence beyond a flashing light, I would not let myself speculate any further about them. I prided myself on my objectivity. Then, as they say, all hell broke loose....

It was the beginning of 2009, most likely the month of January (most of these events happen in the early part of the year). It was the most unusual, out-of-context night of my life. It seemed to come completely out of left-field. I woke up, lying on my back. I want to emphasize that I was fully awake when this was happening. I turned my head to my left and to my surprise saw a very short typical grey alien...except his skin looked more blue/gray, iridescent-like, with tinges of green which could have been its skin reflecting the green from my wallpaper and the eyes were much bigger and blacker, and extended roundly from the head a little, and there was a distinct ridge, like a brow ridge above the eyes. I'm telling you, I could describe every last detail of this creature; I saw him so clearly. I slept with the lamp on so there was plenty of soft light to see him by. I'll never forget what I saw. He wasn't much taller than the bed, maybe 4 feet tall. His body was very thin. His left hand was resting on the bed by my hip. I noticed the elbow joint looked like an outer-joint, like a grasshopper leg joint, instead of an inner-joint of bone inside flesh. I can't stress enough that at the moment I felt I was fully awake and that this was really happening. I wasn't scared at first. I felt strangely serene. In fact, I was a little excited. I couldn't believe something so out-of-the-ordinary was happening. It was like a miracle, and I wanted to relish it. I spoke to the creature in my mind. Looking back, I wonder why I did this. How did I know to "think" at it instead of speaking with my mouth? In my mind I said to the creature, "Well, aren't you interesting!" After I thought this, it walked up the length of the bed until it's face was next to my face. I could feel it "say" very clearly inside my mind, "Don't be afraid." Then it cocked its head ever so slightly so that I could see full into its left eye. Then everything changed. I don't know how to explain it. The eye was black and slightly translucent as if it was made of cloudy black jello. After it cocked it's head, the quality of the eye changed. I don't know how else to explain it. I was looking into its eye and the quality of the eye changed. Nothing visually changed inside the eye. So hard to explain. But suddenly it was like I was being sucked into the eye and the eye, this being, was suddenly inside me, inside my mind. It was such an unexpected shock! In a flash, I turned from being peaceful and curious to absolute fear. And it was like a fear that I had never felt before. I wish I could explain it. It was like it was inside me and was taking me over, like it was invading my mind. I felt my whole self involuntarily open up to it. I had never felt anything like this before, not that I could remember. It was opening me up like a telescope, and it happened so fast, I immediately responded with fear. And the fear was like madness, like paralyzing, maddening fear.

At this point, I became completely paralyzed. I couldn't move a muscle; I was stiff as a board. Then I started to vibrate all over. Then I started levitating right off the bed! The covers were still on top of me, but as I began to float up in the room the sheets vibrated, too. This was a few years before the movie, The Fourth Kind came out, and it was exactly like that scene where the man floats up in bed and the sheets are rippling beneath him. This whole time the alien was staring into my eyes, and I could not tear my eyes away from him. He backed up as I started to float up and towards him and toward the bedroom windows. I couldn't look away from him at this point, but I could tell the lights in the room were going crazy. I felt like I was being zapped by electricity, the vibrating was electrical and also like a low hum. At this point, I began to scream-pray in my head. Then I completely blacked out.

The next thing I knew I woke up in my bed flat on my back, arms to my sides, with the covers over me, smoothed perfectly and pulled up to my chin. Because I had this sensation of "waking up" I blew the whole thing off as a creepy dream after it had happened; it was just a nightmare. A few months later I told a friend (with whom I had seen a UFO) and he said that sounded like a textbook abduction. I ordered a few of the standard abduction books, like from Mack and Jacobs. I read in one of Jacobs books about something in common with most abduction cases and that is something he calls the "mindscan," where one of the aliens looks into the eyes of the abductee, like a few inches from their face, and makes them feel certain emotions or see certain things. I was a little creeped out to say the least. At first I was understandably just terrified of the experience. Then I started to feel a little upset, "Why would it tell me not to be afraid and then immediately make me afraid?" It made no sense, and, honestly, it felt a little cruel. Now I'm realizing that the fear is more like a natural physical reaction to interaction with them. I don't think they want to make me afraid; it's just that contact does that; it's like a side-effect of the technology or the reality-bending nature of the experience. I think this because I can rationally disassociate myself from the fear--there's no real cause or impetus to be afraid (I've never been threatened or harmed); it seems to be purely a reaction to the experience (like sneezing or coughing is a reaction to allergens). I've also noticed the fear can be switched on and off immediately which lets me know it's a reaction to some kind of technology or some part of the experience; it was the first time, to my knowledge, that an alien had entered into communication with my mind; I had never felt anyone else "inside my mind" before, and that understandably freaked me out. I've experienced the fear completely dissolving into immediate bliss or calmness and vice versa with no logical reason for the emotions or their changes. Again, it's like they or the tech or the fact of being open to them directly excite the emotional centers of the brain, either purposefully or incidentally as the brain reacts to the fluctuations in the electromagnetism of the experience (the electric feel seems to be elemental to the experience--vibration, humming, static electricity feeling to the skin, sense of confusion).

The experiences I've had since then have all seemed to be working towards me overcoming my fears so I can ease into the experience and observe. I know when I react in shock and fear, I shut down and forget a lot. I'm hoping if I'm able to remain as calm as possible, I can remember more. I want to remember. I feel like I'm supposed to remember, like it's time to remember. I want to communicate. I don't want to wig out on them every time they show up. I want to be cognizant and responsive. I want to learn and retain.

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Re: New Here...Starting with my wake-up experience

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hello Friend,
Wow! What a wonderful detailed description of your experience!
The star people or aliens definitely have a way of getting one's attention with their deep black eyes, and it has been said by many experiencers that if you want to keep control, do not look into their eyes. Easier said than done. I had encounters like what you described in the "early days" of my meetings with the star people. There were times when I really just had to let go of my fear and trust them. That doesn't mean that I wasn't afraid...I was, but I learned over time that staying calm allowed me to observe and take in everything that was happening. There was sometimes temporary paralysis and electrical type vibrations, like you described.

After years of doing this, I have formed some ideas about it in my own mind. The star people are able to look into our eyes and really SEE us; every dimensional aspect of us. By having that temporary control, they can safely take us outside to a clearing in the woods or a craft or wherever. I say "safe" because a fearful, screaming human can be quite dangerous for THEM. I also think the paralysis and vibration are actual side effects of moving from one state of awareness to another. I call it the transitional phase. They are using some type of electromagnetic radiation to work with us. Quite basically, they are taking us from the normal vibrational frequency in which we live to a higher frequency so we can interact with them better; we are meeting them halfway between our frequency and theirs (they have to step down in vibration).

This is what used to happen to me, but no more. I let go of my fear and things changed dramatically. I had to try and trust them and they had to be able to trust me. There were times when I was scared, that I fought back, and that wasn't really good for any of us. After letting go of my fear, I was able to watch what was happening. For the most part, I stayed awake and aware and in control. It got to the point where I was walking freely around the craft and interacting with star people and other humans present.

Today, after 40 years of this, I have great control over the visits. In fact, I actually go to meet them halfway when I want to see them. They no longer come into my room to get me, it doesn't work anymore and just isn't necessary anymore. I have developed a good, alert awareness that enables me to decide what I want and then do it. Recently, about two months ago now, a little grey alien came to the sliding glass door in my kitchen. He wanted to come in, but I thought better of it because I have had some negative experiences with them. I decided that I didn't want to see him, so I told him, "No, you can't come in." He went away.

Perhaps the body does react involuntarily with that fear response at first, but you can learn to override that. Letting go of your fear is absolutely the best thing you can do for yourself. It enables you to learn so much, not just about the star people, but about yourself.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
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Re: New Here...Starting with my wake-up experience

Post by ManhattanSkyline »


Thank you so much for your response. It is a relief to hear communication can get easier. It's what I hope for. There's so much I want to understand.

Your explanations for the reasons behind the "eye gazing" and paralysis make a lot of sense. I'm beginning to understand more of what/who they are and the "physics" of contact. It would be nice if the process could go more smoothly! :)

I've been learning to deal with the fear. You are right. No matter how much I don't want to be afraid, there will be times where I WILL be afraid. When the fear comes over me, I've been learning to breathe through it and diffuse the tension and emotion through my body and out my extremities. I guess it's a kind of meditation tactic. I remember what my self-defense instructor used to teach us: If you tense up when someone attacks you, their force will do more damage to your body because you have become a fulcrum to their lever. (if that makes any sense) The best thing to do when someone attacks you is to go limp like water; their force will go through you; it will have nothing to strike against. I think the same thing can be said for emotion. When I feel fear, I feel the tension not just in my body, but my mind-walls go up. Suddenly the most benign experience can leave a scar because of the emotion attached to it. When the fear comes, instead of tensing muscles and the sudden intake of air, I'm trying to learn to slow down and breathe deeply and relax. The fear is like a block of energy that hits me like a brick wall, and I'm trying to visualize that energy breaking up, absorbing it into my body and allowing it to exit out of my arms and legs. I think it's helping.

I was recently given a series of three related dreams that really reflect where I'm at on this "journey." I might share those later, but the point of the dreams seems to be to prepare and train myself for a big breakthrough. If I don't learn to master my fears and emotions, my experiences may lead to confusion, disorientation, or even drive me to madness. I don't want that to happen. I want to understand, and I want to learn.

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Re: New Here...Starting with my wake-up experience

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

One more thing. You said, "The star people are able to look into our eyes and really SEE us; every dimensional aspect of us." This kind of shook me up because of a dream I had a couple of months ago. In the dream, I was a man in a blue uniform. I remember the uniform had a black vertical stripe down the sides of the arms and a small black diamond on the cuff, near the stripe. I was sitting in a low chair. I looked to my right and saw a window, and through the window could see passing stars, so I knew I was on some kind of space ship. Then the very same blue/gray alien I saw in the above post walked in the room and stood next to me. In the dream, he was a servant of sorts. I had the feeling that I had "created" him (?) I took his head in my hand and brought his face to my face and peered into his eyes (like he had done to me in the abduction, but this time I was the one instigating it). In the dream I understood that I was allowing this being to look into my eyes and "read me" and learn the patterns of my mind. I was "programming" him to come to my aid and be able to communicate with me on my mission in my next life, which is the life I'm living now in waking life. And then I woke up. Wierd, huh?

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Re: New Here...Starting with my wake-up experience

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi ManhattanSkyline,
It sounds like you are doing a really good job, and you are spiritually strong. To master your fear is no easy task; it will take all the strength and courage you have, but you will do it. You are definitely having some positive interaction going on there, so you should be proud of how far you have come in such a short amount of time. Being able to look into the blue/grey alien's eyes and communicate that way is a real gift. Some of them are guides that help us through our lives (and we can be consciously aware of it, if we are not afraid and we pay attention).

I once had a "lifetime meeting" with a little white star person who was showing me a 3D holographic view of the planets in our solar system. He explained the properties of each planet and the capability of learning in each place. He asked me where I wanted to go next, where I wanted to live next, and I decided on Venus, because you can learn three times faster on Venus than you can on Earth.

Awesome! :D Many Blessings, Bonnie
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Re: New Here...Starting with my wake-up experience

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

Your lifetime meeting sounds so neat! See? That's the kind of stuff I'd love to experience. I have a friend (the same one with whom I saw some UFOs) with whom I have shared my passion for physics but now he has certainly surpassed his teacher. He's even taught himself to do the higher level math and has gotten a paper published in a scholarly journal. I think he might have had some help, if you know what I mean ;) We get together and "nerd-out" watching the space station fly over. Thinking of how fast they are moving and their perspective from that height gets us giddy. How wonderful would it be to be up there! And, you know, lets just hop on over to Venus if it suits us! To finally not be tethered to earth and have the chance to remove some of those human limitations--there's no fear I wouldn't be willing to face! It's a small price to pay to experience such wonders.
P.S.--you can learn three times faster on Venus, huh? From what I understand, the faster you learn the more difficult the life. You are brave! lol I think I'm gonna take a breather for my next life. I've learned a lot, but it's wearing me out!!!! :)
So wonderful to have met you, Bonnie. Bless you back!

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Re: New Here...Starting with my wake-up experience

Post by Blue_Eyed_Aliens »

The way you guys talk about this, makes a lot of sense to me. I personally believe in the idea of life after death and a lot of the values I have had in childhood suit this idea for me. I was always very spiritual. but I felt very lost in my way in the recent years, but these weird events have stirred me to a different path of life on this planet, and I am very happy to see others benefiting, I don't think I have had a direct event like that, but these little details are leading me down the rabbit hole you could say. The possibility of contact for myself, seem achievable through self discipline, to be honest I have felt an guiding force in my life that have been designed to keep me on my path of life. These synchronizes add up, I feel like these weird event's were stepping stones to a reality I need to accept and embrace to further my human evolution.

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Re: New Here...Starting with my wake-up experience

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

Agreed. I feel the same way.

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Re: New Here...Starting with my wake-up experience

Post by Tess »

Hi Bonny,hi ManhattanSkyline I'm addressing both of you cause lately my replies did not show up and I wonder why? It was not like this in the beginning..maybe I wrote some thing that Bonny was not comfortable with putting on the site?...don't know really.Hope this time it would be posted.
First I wanted to explain that I to did not ever think about aliens,to be truthful I did not even believe they existed until the flash backs.
My abduction was far from nice and it was not Greys but a very tall long blond which I did not know about (Nordics) this is the first time that I'll shall say that one would think they are good looking but the reality is their features are so different from us humans.
This alien had befriended me for yrs before the actual abduction, back then I thought he was a spirit.The first time he come I was about to commit suicide (yrs ago) he told me (telepathically) that when the time came he would tell me.There was just one rule ..if I ever spoke about him to anyone he'll be gone and foolishly I did....true to his words he left (Jake was his name or at least that's what he led me to believe)and when I saw him again it was during the abduction and what ever they did to me.There were humans collaborating with him and he was the only one that spoke to me whispering ''I know this will hurt but it shall be over soon'' I remember nothing else after that.
A strange thing happened recently,I went on a cruise holiday and I had made up my mind to go on the upper deck and look at the stars hoping to see the night sky in all its glory but to my amazement when I looked up I could only see just one star no more,again I went the next night and the same thing could there be one star only?Where were the other stars that I see so clearly from the roof of my home.
The ship was sailing in the vastness of the sea,how could I possible see just one star?.
Take care...Tess.

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Re: New Here...Starting with my wake-up experience

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

Nice to meet you, Tess. It is strange how they seem to be definable as spirit and/or alien, like there's not much difference between the two.

I haven't really seen what you have described as a Nordic. I have seen what appear to be humans in some of my abduction experience, but I never see their faces. For some reason, their faces appear to be smudged out, like faces on tv that are heavily pixelated to protect their identities. I wish I could have seen more details like you have.

I have never experienced it myself, but I have read of other abductees seeing a starless sky preceding an experience. It's like they are shifted to a different reality where the sky looks different and there's not a soul on the roads or on the streets.

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Re: New Here...Starting with my wake-up experience

Post by Tess »

I'll write down my thoughts after reading one post after another!
Thanks to the guy who had some explanation for the starless sky,it truly baffled me at the time.
For the person who wondered how he knew he could talk to them humans we had this ability and have lost it with time (although there are still humans among us who use their telepathic abilities) by lost I don't mean gone but unable to communicate that way for its still within us.

Some may have been led to believe that what they experienced were contacts with aliens,its not always the case some times its spirits and some can be truly evil.Do not be afraid for these feed on FEAR,making them stronger and more malice.


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Re: New Here...Starting with my wake-up experience

Post by lucinda28 »


This is such an amazing story! your experience regarding the ebe's eyes sounds a lot like that of Clifford Stones, an ex army sargent who was able to witness some insider stuff on the aliens. He did a video here, where you can check out his story.

His personal account starts around 31.30 but the entire vid is worth watching if you ever have the time.

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