Bonnie help, please

experiences with otherworldly beings

Moderator: Bonnie Jean Mitchell

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Bonnie help, please

Post by Blue_Eyed_Aliens »

I'm curious to your opinion in my forum postings. I'm wondering if you've seen or heard of aliens fitting
my descriptions along with shadow people or shape shifting occurrences. Or mirage people at the edge of your bed. Also, if cuts were left on your body wouldn't they heal fast, along with scoop scars on knees. Vivid dreams and protective entities. I'm only 21 and these experiences interest me greatly. I read more into this forum and realize many similarities, but I can't confirm it myself. Also incarnated alien hybrid children, are there any physical features that are distinctive, large heads? Bug eyes? Mental traits?

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: Bonnie help, please

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Blue Eyed Aliens,
You gave a good description of the tall white grey entity in your room. I have been in many similar situations sitting on the bed with what I would call a star person. Basically, a tall off-white or cream colored, hairless humanoid being with large black or blue eyes. And yes, the very center of the deep black or blue eyes does move like a pool of liquid. You described it nicely as "a swirl of galaxies and stars being sucked into a black hole." It can be quite entrancing.

You had a good sense of clarity and awareness which means that your consciousness was fully in-tact during the encounter. That is how you were able to acquire so much detail. It can be pretty amazing being so awake while in the presence of these multidimensional beings. I have always tried to stay alert and keep my eyes open to see everything. I learned so much by paying attention.

I have felt my star friends' arms before and they are very similar to dolphin skin or a rubbery type skin. I have wondered if it is really a suit. And then, of course, I have seen actual alien suits in an astral experience in an underground military base....

I have seen shadows of entities moving through the house I used to live in. I could also feel the presence of the being, but I only saw shadows of its hand coming around the door and then some shadow moving across the floor as the floorboard creaked.

Yes, scars and scoop marks are usually healed the same night they are formed. I believe this occurs because the visits with these beings take place on the etheric plane, which is basically the blueprint of the human form.

Alien hybrid children normally have large heads with eyes that are a bit larger than a human's eyes. The eyes are usually blue or black, sometimes with whites to the eyes and sometimes not. If they have any hair, it is usually white or blonde and thin. Their skin is light-colored. Of course, there are rare hybrid children who look completely different than that with dark skin and black eyes. They are usually quite intelligent. I have heard other people talk about weak, frail hybrid babies who seem sickly, but all the hybrids I have come across are healthy.

Don't be afraid of going out-of-body or astral. It will help you with all these experiences if you are knowledgeable about moving around without your physical body. You should put protection around yourself before you go astral. You might want to check out the meditation I made for Grounding, Centering, and Shielding.
Keep practicing!

Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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Re: Bonnie help, please

Post by Blue_Eyed_Aliens »

I'm quite shocked and speechless to say how I feel about this, it would explain a lot. I'm very curious and yet I am just.....I don't know, not surprised but the Shadow person in the past I described on my post, it was a one time thing. But yeah, it matches the body description of a mantis insectoid described in my book, have you ever encountered such a being? I'm curious to why all my abnormalities within my life have been at a distance, my mother awoke to the same shadow person staring into her face when she woke up. Why did I encounter it at a distance, rather in my personal space. I have so many questions. Like why are there spirits that seem to be afraid of me, why do I find myself dreaming of things that happen in the future, when I sleep next to someone I dream of things that revolve around their character when u barely know them. Etc, odd things

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Re: Bonnie help, please

Post by Blue_Eyed_Aliens »

Mind blowing stuff I'm not sure if you got my last comment but it seems to make a lot of sense. Another concern of mine is the fact these beings are multidimensional, I've tried explaining the idea to my mom and she gets extremely nervous and tells me to stop, she doesn't admit it, but I think she's aware of the possibility. But she's quite Catholic like, so she thinks of it as a devil. She thinks I am followed by a entity of some sort. Always talking about feeling a presence within my room etc. I've also seen ufos and craft that are circular, my mom reports seeing them leave a neighbors back yard as well. I honestly feel like I have the potential for clairvoyant powers, considering I've had dreams of places I've never been and events that are about to happen, what's your opinion on that possibility.

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Re: Bonnie help, please

Post by Blue_Eyed_Aliens »

I've been trying to post but for some reason my phone won't allow it and I end up wasting my time, this is,my 3rd attempt at responding. I'm curious to these star people you speak of? What nature do they exhibit? I found it quite weird I was approached with freedom of movement, from my reading and hearing of stories you normally be paralyzed. Also, the room was very bright, almost like objects shined their own light. I'm curious to what these black entities are. I found a description of a mantis like alien that looked similar to the shadow figure. I also can't recall anything past my greetings with this entity. Just a bright light and I was in my bed.

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