UFO Hotel

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UFO Hotel

Post by wings »

Pretty cool looking little cottage that is suspended between trees in a forest. Looks like a real UFO hovering in the air about 20 or 30 feet up.

More here;
http://inhabitat.com/ufo-hotel-room-the ... /?extend=1

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Re: UFO Hotel

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

I love this. I can't stop looking at the slide with the doors open looking down on the ladder. I keep thinking how therapeutic it would be for someone with some traumatic abduction experiences to live in a place like this, to consciously and deliberately climb up and down those stairs and walk around those rooms but this time in full control of one's body and consciousness. How healing it would be to face a space like that even if symbolically on one's own terms. How it would work on the unconscious slowly unlocking what was buried there. How lovely it would be to have some kind of park like this built for abductees and experiencers alike to come to share and help heal each other.

That slide with the doors open looking down the ladder really reminds me of my father's hayloft where I used to play as a child. I used to open the hayloft door and look out. I always felt that I should be able to continue to walk out on to the air and hover above the ground like it was the most natural thing in the world. Come to think of it, I always sensed something in that hayloft that now I recognize as them. I wonder if part of my early experiences included that location. ...I did write some poems about the hayloft. Maybe I should look at those again.

That picture also reminds me of the dream I had of getting struck by lightning and then seeing a storm of ladders roll in that seem to go up to heaven. You know, I really think that dream was trying to tell me that the strange lightning phenomena really was some kind of transport. You know sometimes a dream will have the same thing happen twice but in different ways. In the first part of the dream I was struck by lightning and saw a UFO above me. After that something similar happened but instead of a storm rolling in and lightning coming down, clouds of stair cases rolled in and ladders came down. I think that's telling me that the lightning phenomena at the Smith's place really was a transport, like a beam, onto a ship. Funny how my mind tries to piece together the forgotten.

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Re: UFO Hotel

Post by wings »

Interesting about the lightning... I have something for you to think about.

I used to be a test driver for a manufacturer. We would go out in fleets of 2 to 4 vehicles, linked by CB radios. We would often talk on the radios as we drove. One quiet night at about 9PM, night shift, on a highway that runs along Sedona, about perhaps 40 miles away, maybe less, having Sedona to my left, I saw a bright falling star, moving fast as they do, and it was HUGE and it was coming 'straight down', not at any angle what-so-ever. Second, the star or falling star was right over Sedona. You could see the lights of Sedona, very bright, and the star was shooting straight down towards it, and I swear it appeared to stop and turned off.

I thought about it as I was driving thinking 'I think it stopped'.. The CB blinks in, 'did you see that just then?' I said yes. He says 'did it appear to stop?' I said yes.. We didnt talk any more for quite a while, lol.. We just kept driving along.


A few months ago, I was watching a UFO documentary, this time on Area 51, and a famed person that is always hiking the mountains with his photography equipment, like this giant lense assembly. They were out there again and he photographed a large falling star that again appears to stop, right over the base.

Now... I have long heard about a secret base in Sedona in a location called 'secret canyon'. I know, sounds fake, but if you find it and are hiking, you see these odd things in the ground (sensors?) and some have 'fallen asleep' for no reason, and wake up with a military soldier holding you in his gunsights with an automatic weapon, and his uniform is black, (Majik?). I have heard of 2+ reports of this happening to people. I have looked on Google Earth for a thing that looks like an area that has soil dumped from mining in the outskirts NW of Sedona, including a dirt road. I found a dirt road, but nothing unusual, no dirt mounds from mining, etc. So it 'could' be that it was already there, or perhaps they dug through from out of state in a giant tunnel. They have those now, so that is totally possible. So I never found any signs on Google Earth of the base.

But, when I saw that star fall over Area 51, and read about the J-Rod and how they have a star gate program there just like the movie and TV series, then I knew that the falling star 'thing' must be a teleport system of some kind.

If you think about it, if you broke down matter into energy, that would be a BIG cloud of energy. So perhaps I was seeing an imbound portal jump?

A USAF General once stated 'we can go out in space, but our safest form and quickest form of transporation in space is portals'.

So... Concerning lightning, maybe they can teleport, and maybe it is an effect that is like lightning, like being struck by lightning. Just thinking out loud here.

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Re: UFO Hotel

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

That is a lot to think about! Portal jumps, eh? I have seen two "shooting stars" that came straight down out of the sky. I always wondered about them. They didn't seem natural. I saw one, I believe it was in 2008, when I started to see UFOs for the first time. I was in the alleyway outside my mother's house having a smoke and stargazing with a view to the South. An interstate runs East/West along the south edge of town, so you can see the interstate lights that mark the edge of town. Suddenly, I saw a LARGE green light drop down out of the sky. It just dropped straight down perpendicular to the ground. It seemed to fall just on the other side of the interstate. It seemed to go all the way down and hit the ground. I expected to hear a loud boom. In fact, I got in my car afraid that some horrible accident had happened and someone might have gotten hurt. I never saw anything when I drove to the area.

The second time I saw a light fall straight down out of the sky was that night I was talking about in that entry about sensing UFOs. It was the night I was out driving and this large strange misty cloud seemed to follow me. I kept feeling strange, like I was fighting to stay clear headed. I kept driving for a while feeling like I was being watched. After a while I thought, "I'm too tired. I'm turning around and going home." I pulled up into someone's driveway and turned around and started going the opposite direction on the same road. Only a few seconds had passed of my driving in the opposite direction when I saw a white "shooting star" fall straight down. And it was close, like in the field next to me maybe 50 ft from the edge of the road. If I had not turned around at that minute, I would have been going in a direction where I would not have seen it. It really puzzled me. If it was a meteor that had burned up that close, it should have made an arc in the sky skipping on the atmosphere, not fallen vertically straight down. That whole night was beyond me. I couldn't figure out what was going on. Maybe I witnessed a ship waiting for an incoming visitor?

When I remember the people I used meet in my father's back field at night, they either wore military uniforms or white lab coats. If it was day time, they wore tan camouflage, but at night they wore all black uniforms with black berets. It was either 2008 or 2009; I was still seeing a lot of UFOs. I was driving during the day time on a farm and market road towards town, and a huge black military helicopter flew low over me across the road and was so low it seemed like it was about to land in a field over the next rise. It was so low I got a good look at it. It was definitely military, open on the sides, and completely black with no numbers or insignia painted anywhere on it. I knew it was military, and I knew it was suspicious. I remember immediately getting angry wanting to know what business these people had sneaking around my town and my people!

I hadn't seen many helicopters after that except for this year. I've seen them everywhere this year. I know there is a helipad in the next town east of us that is mainly used for hospital care flights. But there's been a black helicopter that's been flying really low and doesn't have the hospital insignia on it. The style of this helicopter is small and commercial but all black with no company insignia or anything. I've encountered it flying very low over town right over my head as I'm heading off to work. The next day after I had that experience I wrote about in the Creature in Disguise post in March, I drove to the next town eastward the next night. As I was driving, I wanted some confirmation that the previous night's events had any reality to them. So, I said in my mind, if last night was real and not a dream, show yourself to me. I found a light was following me into town. It was a helicopter. I drove past town on the road to my father's place near where the helipad is. As I drove past and turned into my father's small community, I saw the helicopter land at the helipad. I turned around and started driving back home and to my surprise the helicopter immediately took off again and followed me back into town and most of the way back to my hometown. If it was a care flight, they wouldn't have come from the next town over (my hometown) only to return to my hometown when the hospital was in the town near the helipad and there should have been an ambulance waiting at the helipad.

Also, this summer one afternoon I walked with a friend a few blocks from my house to another house my friend had been cleaning for extra income. He had to care for the dogs as the owners were out of town. He went in the house and took care of the dogs while I waited outside in the driveway. While I was waiting, I heard a helicopter flying over town from the east moving west. I assumed it was a care flight that had been dispatched from the helipad near the town east of us. I saw it come near and then circle back around. I assumed it was circling to land near the football field to pick up a patient which tends to happen with these flights. But the helicopter came back, and this time when it circled around it flew right over me. It was very low. I would think it would be illegal to fly that low over a town unless you were landing. As it flew directly over my head I looked up and I saw a man, a passenger, leaning his head out staring at me. I looked right back at him. I could have tossed a rock up and he could have caught it, the helicopter was so close. It was black with no insignia. Still I thought it must be a care flight trying to land at the football field north of me, but no. After it passed over me it continued to fly south and out of town. That made no sense to me. Why would a helicopter that took off from the next town east of us, fly to the next town west only to circle over the town twice and then fly south out of town out of sight? Why not make a bee-line for their destination? It's not like we have a lot of air traffic at that altitude. We are a small, sparsely populated county. It's rare to see anything in the sky. When you do see the odd helicopter flying about, it's either a care flight or a crop duster, and this helicopter was light/commercial and not equipped for crop dusting. I know, it flew right on top of me. It made me a little nervous and I wondered if it was some big brother type especially considering whose house we were at.

You might appreciate this tidbit of gossip. The family whose house my friend was cleaning...the father was retired military. Had a tour in Iraq. My friend told me one night he got a call from Washington DC. Some friend in the military was offering him a job for a nice chunk of money in Washington. He wanted him to train troops in Washington to set up checkpoints in U.S. cities. That was basically what his job had been in Iraq, setting up checkpoints on Iraqi roads. He thought it was strange that they wanted him to train troops to do this, but for U.S. cities. He turned him down; he thought it sounded unusual and didn't want to move his family.

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Re: UFO Hotel

Post by wings »

Thats wild.

Thanks for sharing that.

I am always watching the skies around the house. I live on the outskirts of a huge city, in the urban area, and on a flight pattern to a private airport, semi large airport with tons of private planes. My puppy keeps asking to go out, so I am always out there scanning the skies, checking the stars as he is doing his business. But......... Lately, I have been seeing a Cessna fly over at night, idling along, and low. Airspeed is probably 80 knots or just over that, RPM is probably 1200, and altitude is probably about 1200 feet. Helo's and ultralights fly in 'Bravo' airspace, 700 feet and below, so the Air Traffic Control (ATC) doesnt have to monitor them and give them instructions. This guy was almost in Bravo airspace. I have also learned that 'big brother' now uses small planes to fly around acting as a cell tower via equipment on board the plane. It can send Apps that are hidden in your phone as the cell tower (fake) is uploading through routes in our phone software that you do not know about. They can make your phone appear to turn off, but its not. Even has all the sounds and animations of a phone turning off and on. A good way to check this I suppose is to turn it off and then turn it on hours later and see if the battery is still the same. If its dropping, then you probably have a spy app running in it. A clean-format might clean it.

But, it could be just someone flying around at night, 9PM or 10PM at night, every several days, and flying right over my house, which is very odd as flight pattern is 90 degrees the other way. He was south bound and they are all flying east / west in my zone towards the airport. Odd... After a few years of watching traffic, you see things that arent right.

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Re: UFO Hotel

Post by wings »

............and another one! This hotel of 'pods' are located in a town called Albang.


Interesting little things.

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