Connection Beyond the Physical Realm

please read this extremely important information

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Connection Beyond the Physical Realm

Post by Leepoh »

As a newcomer to this forum, I must admit I haven't been abducted by aliens but after a near death experience and after reentering into my physical being, I now have an amazing connection with those beyond our physical realm.
Although I have never been religious, spiritual or had an interest in esoteric beliefs, it seems that those outside our solar system have made contact with me. As funny as it is, I grew up believing God, as the catholic church sold him, was not real. And from the age of 7, I told everyone who asked " if there is no God, then where did u come from?" I said "from a molecule in space, which evolved over millions of years," Now I think that wasn't mainstream beliefs, where did I get that from?. And then the memory of the spaceship hovering outside my bedroom window when I was 10, and then the voice that entered my head and said "you are to stay here until the time is right and then we will return". And then the feeling for the next 30 years of wanting to go home but not knowing where! Well now it all makes sense.
I have a pure, clear channel, which is not contaminated by human belief! Oh it is so wonderful when we just listen and allow. My connection is here to guide humanity into the golden age. But as with all things, they also remind me that with all good, there can also be bad energies and the closer you move to the light, the more darker forces try to penetrate! But the connection they offer is remarkable. I think I have been blessed!

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Re: Connection Beyond the Physical Realm

Post by youngers51 »

I feel exactly like you i don't believe in god i have a longing to go
Home as this planet is not my true home.
Every time i see a ufo beam of light i ask them to take me with them
All i keep gettin is a message saying

Now is not time
You are needed here on earth .

I ask time and time again to get me of this rock we call earth this is not
My home planet.
I get answer

You will in time
I believe i am from pliades star system a planet called
Atlas in our language.

I long to be home on atlas but they keep saying
I am needed here on earth.

Ive always felt the oddest guy out in any group of people for all my life
And i still do.

Its hard to concentrate this life when knowing where ones true home is.

I am being prepared for a mission here on earth as of yert i do not know what
The mission is
But my fellow aliens have faith in me.

I have a strong sense that it is to do with raising higher vibrations on this planet
As the vibrations are strong in negative vibrations.

We need to brake free of the negative vibrations and help restore earth to its full potential.

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Re: Connection Beyond the Physical Realm

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

I Agree with you Both.
We do have a strong connection beyond the physical realm. Our spirit friends, loved ones who have gone before us, multidimensional beings who live in other frequencies, and even our own higher selves -- we are connected to them all, and much closer than we think.

For those of us who are able to feel that is GOOD TO KNOW there is life beyond this physical plane, but it also makes us long for a better life and it makes us want to go home.

WE ARE NEEDED HERE...for raise the vibrational frequencies of this world, to wake people up, to bring to LIGHT the consciousness of our true selves, to bring forth TRUTH and...


WE have the power of MANIFESTATION. Let's WAKE UP, REMEMBER OUR TRUE POWER and MANIFEST a world of love and light where all people can live in PEACE.

Many Blessings, Bonnie :D
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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Re: Connection Beyond the Physical Realm

Post by youngers51 »

I agree we are here to raise the higher frequencies of this dimension.
I have felt so much negative frequency since my awakening its hard to battle it
Which is what the lower dark beings want us to stop highering it.

Sometimes this low frequency makes me ill and sad it drives me wanting more
Spiritually the hardest part is understanding it.

If i may make an observation i have noticed since i was aware of it all

Where we live in this dimension the frequency is so low that anything in a higher positive frequency such as
A prencence of a spirit or alien our senses are not use to the higher frequency and we asume its a
Haunting as our logic physical mind steps in and concludes fear factor in us.

If we embraced these higher vibrational beings we would be better off.
Its where our physical body is not use to these higher vibrational frequencies.

We should accept the love and information these higher beings want to share with us and not assume at first its a act of
Haunting or ill will im not saying there are all good but the beings that have the higher
Frequency we need to pay attention to .
We will be on a higher frequency in this physical dimension
If we over come fear what is different and we will stop in their tracks the dark forces that are trying to keep us on this low frequency don't be afraid to say no or go away if something you sense doesn't add up or feel right when you kind folk sense these things.

We need to raise our higher frequencies kind folk.

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Re: Connection Beyond the Physical Realm

Post by cbram »

I have recently woken up since my experiences last year. I want to help others, but it feels like anything I say people assume I'm into "conspiracies". I feel like I'm supposed to help but I'm not doing it right..

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Re: Connection Beyond the Physical Realm

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

You have to use your best judgment when talking to people about ideas that break their paradigm. You might have to change what you say when talking to different types of people, but you can even find subtle ways to help someone who isn't really ready yet. Just give little hints here and there.

You should definitely help people as much as possible because it is our responsibility to help the sleepers wake up. They are contributing to the manifestation of this reality just like we are. The more people that become aware of the Truth, the quicker we can raise consciousness and create a beautiful world for ourselves.

Don't worry about being called a "conspiracy theorist"; it is one of those phrases people have been brainwashed with. If they get too uncomfortable, it's a great excuse for them to get away from you. "Oh no, are you gonna try and break the little box I live in?" "UH-oh! It's a smart person who knows how to think for themselves! Run away!" :D

Just follow your heart and speak the Truth.

You are so right with what you said. It is way better to react with Love, knowing you are always connected to Source, than it is to react in Fear and lose control of yourself. If we automatically think the worst, we will most likely end up with the worst. After meeting different types of star people/aliens over the years, I can honestly say that the best choice is keeping your cool, filling your heart with Love, and feeling the power within yourself that allows you to stand strong.

The beings in the lower frequencies have no power over a higher frequency being filled with Love and Light. And the Light I am referring to is a spiritual connection to Source, sometimes called the Christ Light.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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Re: Connection Beyond the Physical Realm

Post by youngers51 »

Hi bonnie
This third dimension is on such a low frequency it makes me want all the more to go home.
If we are from a higher frequency dimension and come here to help earth raise theirs we couldnt
Of realized how difficult that task would be.
If we wanted to go home and we had the chance would we fill happy being home after what we have experienced.
Being a wonderer in a foreign planet i think that we try to understand different species no matter how different they are from us.
The soul its self can not be perfect other wise it would be in a state of true spiritual enlightment and wouldn't need the feel to learn anymore.
I don't think we are aliens but its our souls that has experienced past lives as physical aliens and its those memories which remain with us in the life remember now its just we prefered that life to this one we are living now.
So in effect we miss our past lives that have embeded their memory in our soul.

For some reason our soul chooses to go to another planet and live a life on that planet what happens in those lives remains with us in cell memory.

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Re: Connection Beyond the Physical Realm

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Youngers,
I totally know how you feel. I actually remember being 4 years old and thinking about my mission here. I knew I was here to help bring love and light to this place and help humanity. I also knew I could never tell anyone who I really was and that it would be a lonely, difficult path.

I think we came here knowing that we had a tough job to complete. I know that I came here on purpose to fulfill that mission. Perhaps some souls end up coming here by accident and then getting stuck here in a cycle of reincarnation, but I know that, this time at least, I kind of knew what I was getting into. But, like you said, coming from a higher frequency, we could never have known how bad it really is here. It is really difficult to be here. But I also know that we are making a difference in the world and when we go back home we will be very proud of ourselves and grateful that we had the opportunity to be here and help. And I know we will be so happy to go home and we will love to be alive again.

Perhaps this is part of our soul training. It definitely takes a strong spirit to be here in this time, to do good works to help raise the vibrational frequency and help save humanity. Hang in there, we will make it, and I do not think it will be too much longer.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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Re: Connection Beyond the Physical Realm

Post by youngers51 »

I also believe i am here to rescue a alien from somewhere
I still get words

Alien prison
Prison alien
You must rescue alien in captivity

How will this be physically possible ?.

Voice said
With your powers you will be able to.

I am at lost here they expect me to rescue a alien but i don't know how to ?.

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Re: Connection Beyond the Physical Realm

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Youngers,

There are ways to go about saving someone from a prison other than physically. We are powerful reality creators - we can manifest everything that happens to us if we really focus on it. There is a way to begin the process of manifesting something physically: start by sitting in a quiet place, clear your mind, and then focus your mind on what your intention is. You are working from the etheric plane with your thoughts. Whatever you start to manifest on the etheric plane will begin to manifest physically. The more thought and energy you put into it, the quicker it will be created on the physical plane. This is one way to free someone from prison. Imagine them being free. This is the way I would suggest to go about this process, at least for now.

Also, I would be very careful about paying attention to whoever is telling you to save an alien from prison. It is a huge task that is a lot to expect from one person. Be aware that the illuminati/freemasons/templars "THEY" have technology to beam certain frequencies into our heads and make us hear voices inside our heads that can even sound like our own thoughts. Be aware of that and use your best judgment.

You have to live your own life and keep yourself safe while you are helping humanity the best you can, but do not put yourself in danger.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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