communion i suppose?

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communion i suppose?

Post by mr.classified »

Hello, I lived in Vegas for the time I was attending film school...Where, and wehn things started to become surreal and interestingly terrifying.
I have these photos, 2 [one vertical, and one horizontal] of an area I had no where I have been.
I was brand new to the area, no car, just turned 21 , and hardly any friends...My lady at the time had the feet rockets as well.
My associate at school, who was active duty airman at NAFB asked me how I got all the way in the back of the base.
He explained to me it seems to be the back hanger area of the old run ways they decommissioned back in the early 50's.

Let me fast forward a little bit...
I finished college, lived in Japan and Korea, and am now back home in California.
A few days ago, I noticed an area by my hairline behind my right ear...
My good, and very trusted friend checked it out for me last night, said there is a 'hole/scab' right on the hairline, and nothing else like it elsewhere.
I live in a heavily woodland area, where the oceans edge is my backyard, the night sky is immensely clear and my mother and I have seen several 'sightings'...I dislike the common phrases, mainly because they give me a bizarre feeling in my nervous system.
Well, I took a photograph with my digital camera [Olympus e-420] earlier in the day today.
At first, I logically thought that this could be bed bugs, or something a kin to that.
...Though, if this were the case, I would have little red welts/bites all over right?
This just is not the case...I have not woken to find a smell like back in vegas, or the bruises.
Here's that photo, then the cropped image [which I only enhance by clarity, and minor detail]

any advice is greatly accepted, as well anyone willing to talk with me about other things.
Please do so, it is hard enough trying to rationalize these events by myself.

[[[Oh...I started reading the book 'Communion', at times its hard for me to read it.
Its just to similure to what I have experienced back in Vegas.]]]
Behind right ear, directly across hair line.
Behind right ear, directly across hair line.
enhanced hair line 'mark'.
enhanced hair line 'mark'.
P7142312.jpg (79.06 KiB) Viewed 12922 times

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: communion i suppose?

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Mr. Classified,
It is a common occurrence for alien abductees to wake up with (usually) two red marks behind the ear, in the same location as what you have here. Although, in the close up, it looks like it could actually be two red marks. I am not sure what causes the marks every time, but sometimes an implant is inserted just behind the ear. Do you remember anything about the night before you got the red marks?

I also read the book Communion, back in 1989. About the same time I read Intruders by Budd Hopkins. Communion is a little less scary than Intruders, but when you realize that you've had the same experiences you're reading about, it can be quite a shocking revelation.

Please feel free to speak your mind and let it all out here.
Many Blessings, Bonnie :-)
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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Re: communion i suppose?

Post by mr.classified »

When I found them out, they were already in a scab/healing state.
Of what I remember it was about a week ago today, and I was driving home as always from a day and being at my friends at night.
I right on the pacific ocean on the coast and there are forest and mountain sides all around.
I'm about 12 miles from town.
I do remember having a pushing feeling on my chest, and when I got home I felt like something watching me; but again I live in a forest area so animals are around.
Today while I was in the shower, I noticed something on the top on my right foot by my big toe, yesterday I washed all my bed sheets and cleaned my room.
It could not have been an insect, because insect bites would have a little prick or some kind of mandible marking.
I tried to wipe off this red spot and it went away for a very brief time, and it was back again.
Below are the images, the original and enhanced.crop region of the foot.
I use the Aperture Imaging program for my photographic enhancing.
Any input helps me very much.
Enhanced section of right foot underneath big toe.
Enhanced section of right foot underneath big toe.
My right foot.
My right foot.

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: communion i suppose?

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Mr. classified,
The red mark on your foot does not seem to be anything too unusual.

Do you feel like telling us what happened in Vegas?

My husband John went out to Area 51 in 2006 and had an unsettling experience as well.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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Re: communion i suppose?

Post by mr.classified »

I will...
It was around the time I turned 21, I am 26 now.
It happened around April 2, 2005-Still, this is the last date I can remember, every other date is a haze.
Honestly, I do not remember everything for time seems to be missing for me in a huge gap; since living in Vegas I cannot remember dates or events which took place of me living in that area.
I developed a roll of 35mm film from a Wolf Camera store by the Galleria mall in Henderson, NV and I remember everything on the roll except for two photographs.
The first few I remember clearly, as well the remaining four...Though the middle two, I have no recollection of where I was or how I got to the location.
I paid no attention to it, for I am an artist and I thought it was a street lamp or some part of Vegas.
When I finally did pay notice to the two photos, strange emotions came sweeping over my mind, and my dreams started having a drastic effect on my sleeping patterns.
I would wake up in pools of sweat shivering, or finding my girlfriend at the time shaking me awake once saying "Are you alright? I've been trying to wake you up for 30 minutes...Sounded like you were speaking Egyptian of something."...Honestly, its strange, though it happened.
I would wake up in the early hours of the morning, not able to move, only open my eyes, and i saw people in my room standing over my bed.
One at the foot, two at my right, and two at my left...My girlfriend fast asleep.
I would have broad visions of grates, and rooms which were not in my apartment or school.
One of my associates in school, who was an active airman at the time as an MP, I showed him the photographs...Something was telling me it was alright to do so.
He responded "How did you get that far on base?"...After brief conversation, he said he would talk to me in 7 months when hi contract is up.
After it ended, he did talk to me stating "It looks exactly like the old runway strips in the back of Nellis which were decommissioned in the late 50's."
...Yeah, trip out, huh?
Since I have been looking into the photos with the help with a negative scanner, I have been waking up with estranged feelings in my bones, bruises, marks and the like.
The dreams I get are very interesting as well.
Below in the attachments are the original photos rescanned a few weeks ago thanks to my friend for the negative scanner.
Please, tell me what you think...As well, if you wish, take them and look into them.
I need as much help with this as possible.
MUFON kinda ignored me, as well most other organizations.
This is not so much deeply troubling anymore as is just flat out, I want to know what is going on kinda thing.
Which, I am sure, most of you want to know what is happening as well.
This is the vertical image, the 'burn shadow' of the object in left hand side is unusual because in the middle of the 'shadow image' there is nothing.
This is the vertical image, the 'burn shadow' of the object in left hand side is unusual because in the middle of the 'shadow image' there is nothing.
The main object is the left side of the photo, the bright light is a road construction light surrounded by road horses by a weather building.
The main object is the left side of the photo, the bright light is a road construction light surrounded by road horses by a weather building.

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Re: communion i suppose?

Post by mr.classified »

I posted the photos as well my explanation of what happened...And it is not here.
Well, here it is again...
I read my first post, and I did have a car, sorry...I was staying in Kentucky recently for some family stuff and some things flooded back to me.
I think something happened to me while I was in Kentucky, the dreams and the constant feelings of being beaten in the morning is strange.
It was around when I turned 21 though, in Vegas I mean, and I was taking photos with an old camera my friend gave to me.
It took 35mm, as all do mostly, and I developed a roll from a Wolfs Camera store by the Galleria mall in Vegas.
I overlooked these two mainly because I thought they were under/over exposed street light photos.
Upon further examination, something was not right with them, I would get a little nauseous just looking at them from time to time. As I typed earlier, one of my associated was an active airman as nafb and asked how I got that far into base...At first I had no idea what he was talking about.
After his term was up, he further explained it appeared to him the location I was in was in the very back of the base itself, where the old runways are located.
He was an mp, and his job was to make rounds all the time.
Since the photos, I have experienced auditory and visual hallucinations, very lucid dreams, and I wake up time to time with strange bruising on awkward sections of my body.
I have taken a piece of 'metal' out of my left middle finger, in the center joint, and my girlfriend [a different one] took a jagged piece from my tear duct with some tweezers...Which I did not feel come out, only the cold of the tweezers itself.
The woman I was with at the time of the event is a Navajo whom was with me from the every beginning...She once woke me up, she was shaking me violently and asked if I was alright, apparently she said I was stiff as a board, vibrating and speaking what sounded like Egyptian as well trying to rouse me for over 20 minutes.
I remember waking up in my apartment while she was over once, not being able to move at all and there were people in my room.
Long slender people, it was all shadows, but I could make out people standing by my bed...
2 on my right, 1 at the head of my bed, and 2 on the left.
I don't know of anything happened, but my girlfriend was fast asleep, she never woke up, I could not move my body at all, only my eyes.
There were times when I would wake up, and there would be this medical smell, like sulfur and wet wood.
Since the events in question in Vegas, my right ear at times gets this very high pitch ringing followed by a drowning sound of noise which soon follows after like a gentle volume control.
I started writing down my dreams recently, I have two...And they are from when I was recently in Kentucky.
They are both different, but the same subject, the same things.
I try to be logical about this, I try not to go overboard and think of these things.
It's just hard not to.
I really try to remain logical about this.
Here are those photos.
Tell me what you, any of you, think of this...It will help me.

[Oh...Apparently, back in 1993-4, a jet from NAFB captured an image exactly like what you see here in my photograph.]
The light above the photo, and the new 'streak' is as curious to me as anything else.
The light above the photo, and the new 'streak' is as curious to me as anything else.
The light on the right is a construction light near some kind of structure that seems to be weathered.
The light on the right is a construction light near some kind of structure that seems to be weathered.

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Re: communion i suppose?

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Mr. Classified,
Sorry for the delay in posting -- if you submit a post once and it seems to take forever, that's just because I haven't gotten to it yet. :D

It sounds like you have become part of a "secret government" operation. Ever heard of MILABS? They are abductions carried out by the Unites States Military (Navy, Air Force, Army). I have experienced them as well, at night. I have clear conscious memories of being in facilities with military personnel. In the past, they usually came to "visit" after I was with the star people/aliens. And they usually wanted information.

I get that same ringing in my ear. Hearing a ringing tone in your ear is a fairly normal occurrence for alien abductees, and maybe military abductees as well.

The way to avoid MILABS is this: Focus on Love. Raise your vibrational frequency so they cannot reach you. I taught myself that trick (with the help of the star people) about 10 years ago during some intense psychic attacks. After fighting and running for hours, I finally just let it all go; I dropped all my defenses and let the attacker come to me. My energy was so strong it affected the attacker by raising their vibrational frequency to be more like mine (entrainment). One of Love.

You probably already know that our bodies are actually light holograms vibrating at various frequencies. Your energy and your focus REALLY matters, especially right now. If you'd like, check out a centering, grounding, and shielding meditation I made. It is about 30 minutes long. It will help you find your center and put up an etheric/psychic shield for self-defense.

Many Blessings, Bonnie :-)
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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