Old Memory; In a Craft

experiences with otherworldly beings

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Old Memory; In a Craft

Post by wings »

Tonight I remembered a memory I had years ago.

I remember coming to, like from a sleep. I am on a floor, curled in a C shape, my head is up against something. I am in a small area, very cramped. I am facing an Alien, very short, very huge eyes, and he is staring at me, emotionless look on his face, but looking at me, as like 'check it out!' There was a loud sound, like a rocket sound with a whine. Thinking about it, it could have been wind noise, but it also had a whine. The room was round, and the person flying the craft was facing an outer curved wall, and an inner curved wall was behind him, so the room was like a ring, with the center having a wall going all around. It was night, it was dark, it was cramped, and back asleep I went.

The next day, I vaguely remembered it, but I'll never forget the look on that guys face.

Thats about it.

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Re: Old Memory; In a Craft

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

Last edited by ManhattanSkyline on Fri May 31, 2024 6:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Old Memory; In a Craft

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

Last edited by ManhattanSkyline on Fri May 31, 2024 6:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Old Memory; In a Craft

Post by wings »

Interesting. Thanks for the heads up on that, Manhattan. I'll check it out.

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Re: Old Memory; In a Craft

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

Last edited by ManhattanSkyline on Fri May 31, 2024 6:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Old Memory; In a Craft

Post by wings »

Hey Manhattan,

That is wild.

On the tunnels, they are finding a network that connect points all around Europe and Africa. The pyramid in Romania was very popular. They supposedly found ancient, halographic equipment that was still functioning in it, records and things on humanity. The US supposedly found a way to take it out and moved it to a base in the US and later it was supposedly destroyed by alien forces because they said we would only use it for the war machine, making it into weapons and things of that nature. They found in the Romanian pyramid tunnels leading to several key locations on the planet, including one going to Egypt.

Many say that we have tunnels now that could move 2 B52 strato bombers 'wingtip to wingtip' through these tunnels without touching the walls or wings, like 3 feet clearance. That these tunnels existed for many decades.

The Tall Whites supposedly have a tunnel machine that can make a tunnel at something like 25 MPH. The tunnel it produces is glass smooth, white, and glows. (That would be nice).

Sorry you got cancer. That is very odd that both you and your cat suddenly had cancer. I have heard that the men in black threaten people with this, with being given cancer. I hope they are not doing this to you. I constantly pray for protection and do the Lords Communion (bread and wine or grape juice). This is said to take away sickness and disease. Many miracle stories around this. You can google it with Joseph Prince Ministries for more information on how to do that if you are interested.

Faceless men... I had a dream like that about a week or so ago! I am going to start a new post for that one. Wild story....

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Re: Old Memory; In a Craft

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

Last edited by ManhattanSkyline on Fri May 31, 2024 6:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Old Memory; In a Craft

Post by wings »

Hey Manhattan,

That is wild about your dream and your pain. Interesting.

I have been tortured for just about 16 years. They want me to give up Jesus. I will not. I am not going to hell, and I really admire Jesus. I have always been close to God as well, like a friend. I cant explain it.

And, coincidentally, I have been taking communion OFTEN, sometimes several times a day. I am a non-denominational Christian and didnt really know about communion till a few months ago. Pastor Joseph Prince talked on it quite a few times. It has miraculous things that occur. Jesus talked in a Synagogue (the next morning after they were in a storm at sea) about how he would give up his life so people could live, that if they ate his flesh, they would live (live in greek being 'bodily' or physical life, not spiritual, meaning it would heal them to eat of his flesh, which later, he talks at when doing the last supper, breaking the bread).

A special note here; They didnt need Priests back then to break bread. I do not believe you need special bread or special wine. I use Naan flat bread and Welches Concordian grape juice when I do communion. Also Joseph Prince has a cool prayer thing you can do (if you are interested) for when you do communion. His website has some amazing healing stories about it.

I remember in the Bible (while reading your story about the woman from Peru) that often, messengers were sent to people in the Bible, and the person would fall down on their face before them, but the person would say 'dont do that! get up! I am a person just like you. I am a messenger'. I think Angels have also said that as well.

On your other post, (I was able to read it, but cannot comment on it till its approved) about the people with blank faces. The last one, the person in the glowing suit. That sounds like the Tall Whites. They have body suits they wear and can hover and actually do like 70 to 100 MPH in them across the land. The suit exudes a light that hurts the eyes if you look at them. They also supposedly have a mild little trail of dots of light when moving. They are not always stable when they lift up high without moving, from what I read (in great detail in Charles Hall's books 'Millennial Hospitality' ). The Tall Whites (TW's) seem to really want to have an open relationship with Earths people. They wanted to be made known to the public years ago (they say) but the military or secret government or whoever said no, maybe later. Sad... But, they usually will go out and meet people. They had (or have) a base in New Mexico somewhere, and one in Indian Springs Nevada, and supposedly fascilities now under Denver International Airport. They seem to be nice, but they will defend themselves.

Those suits sound like good fun. Oddly, when people looked at the small spheres that would fly next to the P51's and B-17's when flying bombing missions over Berlin, the pilots said that staring at the spheres or orbs would hurt the pilots eyes. You had to look at them indirectly. Later the USAF figured it was a secret weapon of the Luftwaffe. But I doubt they could fly RC vehicles from vast distances back then or they could fly V2 rockets directly into buildings in England. I still think those were alien craft over Germany. But whose, I dont know. Similar gravity engine though, light based.

Oh how I want to know how anti-gravity works... Man... The Tall Whites have some interesting tech. They use TONS of optic fiber in their hulls of their small jumper craft. They can take a load of USAF Generals to Mars and back and be back in a single day with these little ships. And they made them here at their Indian Springs base (back in 1955. Who knows what they have now).

Anyways... Interesting that the person was out trying to meet those people in the hover suit. Funny about how they freak out, lol.. Imagine landing in a hang glider back in the days of ancient Greece, or landing in a helicopter, etc. How alien it would be like.....

This faceless thing really has me thinking. It really sparked up when I get the Samsung VR head gear (and Samsung Note 5). The kit comes with a ton of Oculus Rift files and photos and some movies to view. Some are from contests, 3D VR CG art. One is a man in a cabin surrounded by 3 large grays. When you turn around, you see the 3rd gray standing behind you and his finger tips are stretched out on one hand, just inches from your forehead. You see him up close, wrinkly skin, big eyes, no clothes on. Freaked me out at first, lolol.. I must have studied that for 10 or 15 minutes, telling myself... 'so thats you... so there you are.. no more hiding'. Then a few days later, I see parts of people edited out in VR photos (360 photos). That made me think of the mans faced erased and I thought, what if, years from now, they could run a 'film' or 360 video 'into' your mind similar to the 'Matrix' movies (learning Kung Fu in 30 seconds). I do not think I was viewing, I really went on that journey, (or thought I did). I was talking with the girls, looking out the windows of the long lake beside us down below past the trees and houses. (the Google Map has that of Sailly-Achetel but the town does not look the same. I couldnt find a village square with the coffee shop in it. And oddly, like yours, looked like or reminded me of Spain, not Italy. But the lake area reminded me of a smaller version of Como in the Alps. Lago Commo, though I have never been there). So I wonder about the blacked out face.... Odd...

I remember that Eben person I saw in the unmarked USAF car in Sedona. He had a big smile, a happy face, like a child in Disneyland, but the face of an older person, a mature person that if human would be a father type, like 40 years old. He was really into his road trip, amazed at his surroundings. The person in that coffee shop 'also' got very excited and wanted to hear about my journey.

Man... SO close, so far away...

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