Wild dream, faceless man, and possible Alien

experiences with otherworldly beings

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Wild dream, faceless man, and possible Alien

Post by wings »

Hey all,

About two weeks ago, on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon, I laid down to take a nap. Nothing like a nice nap on the weekend, if you can get to sleep. (I get pestered and tormented often by spirits, being told to give up, etc, but sometimes I can get a dream in).

So, in the dream, I am given a card, about the size of a post card, perhaps slightly larger. Its glossy. On it is a map like a Google map, and instructions in which I am to get to a place called Hockatel or Ocatel or Achkatel. I cannot remember how it was spelled, and the odd thing was, when I would study the card, my focus was screwed up and hard to concentrate. I kept looking at the card to check things and it was so hard to read it, like my focus was hurting me.

Some women picked me up in a black tall Japanese SUV. It reminded me of a large Infiniti. Also slightly similar to a Ford SUV, Lincoln I think, but I was fairly certain this was Japanese. The girls were wearing scarves. For some reason, I knew they were Iranian. The driver was the mother, and the person in the RH front seat was a daughter, perhaps 20 years old, and beside me was a daughter perhaps 16 years old, maybe younger. I got in, they asked where I needed to go. I said Ocatel. She said she knew the place and could take me. I was hiding flat down. The mother asked the girl if I was intelligent or something like that. It was odd. She wanted to know the basics about me because she was up front, driving. What they were doing was I guess illegal.

Later, I am sitting. I was looking around, amazed at how beautiful the area was. I was confused as it looked like the Alps, around Lago Commo. Up and down roads going along the green moutains, beautiful land, nice homes, very old European homes. We are on a road that is two lanes paved, sometimes goes to 4 lanes, 2 each way, and stop lights here and there. The women are wearing colored scarves. The mom is wearing one that is sort of a reddish light purple, like sammon pink. Also the interior roof is the same color. At one point, I complemented her on her very nice vehicle, that she was blessed to have such a nice SUV.

Some things happened on the way, which seemed to take an hour to drive. We pull up next to a truck, open back, at a traffic light. A kid is being held prisoner, blonde hair, glasses, curly hair I think, short hair. He looks American. Tied up well. Older civilian Iranian men, overweight slightly, holding him by the upper arms, tormenting him a bit. He looks worried. I keep my head down.

Next, the mother tells me to get my head down. I do, but the seat in front of me is close, so its hard to do. The young girl beside me on my left has her hand between us pointing to the left front and says 'police'. We continue.

I get worried, its been quite a while. I ask if she is taking me to Ocatel, she says 'Yes! Yes...' We continue the drive.

Finally we arrive. She says 'Here we are, we are here.' I thank them very much and hop out. I am at a little outside mall with walls, white old paint, more like a place in Spain with big round old trees all around, a entry gateway entrance wide enough for a car and more room. I go into a small open cafe'. its about 5PM in the afternoon, slightly hot. I sit down in front of a man with no face. I can see his shirt, pants, hands, etc, but the face is dark, like an airbrushed 'black' zone, smoothly blended. I had checked my card which was like an adventure instructions card, found the place I needed to go to. I began talking to the person, and a man walks in, dressed like a farmer? He has a red and white checkered shirt, large straw hat covering his face. He sits at our round table, on my right. The large open wall of the coffee shop (like an old Tijuanna like place) is on my left, the sun shining in, hitting me and the short person on my left who is looking to the side, leaned back in his chair, very very short, and possibly stairing at the man with the darkened face.

I was full of enthusiasm, coming down from an adrennalin rush from the journey. I said something like 'You will not believe what all happened!' (something like that but not those words). Suddenly, with that, the short person sets up quite high, his hat off, and close to my face, says with a happy smile, 'I would love to hear all about it!'. Now, this man had a very large head, but not like those almond eyed aliens. He had pinkish aged skin on his face. I think I remember him even having freckles of sorts. He had I think normal or very slightly large eyes. He looked oriental, very wide cheeks, and he was very enthusiastic and was smiling, like very happy. I began to tell the person with no face about the trip and things started surfacing, perhaps the man was an alien on my right.

Then, I open my eyes in bed....

Goodness, that was so real, I remember it today quite clearly. I wrote it all down, not moving from my place in bed till I could recount everything I dreamt of, then getting up for paper and a pen.

To this day, I havent heard of a town like that. I wonder if I was in a possible other reality? It was all so real. But then, in Virtual Reality, you have these blacked zones where the camera stand should be. Could this be a video feed? Something put into my mind? But then I interacted with the ladies. I remember thinking of what to say to the driver about how nice her SUV is.

Wild... Pretty wild.. Where on Earth was I?

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Re: Wild dream, faceless man, and possible Alien

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Wings,
Thanks for sharing your experience. You recalled quite a lot of detail. I do not know where you were, but anything is possible. An actual physical location...virtual reality...or another world...it's hard to say. But you were certainly focused enough to follow the directions on the card and get to your location. Maybe it was a test to see how you would do.... And you apparently did well.

I have been put through test after test with the star people and all different types of entities in the astral and etheric planes. Even military is sometimes involved. There is always some type of psychic testing and when I do well, I go up a level to do even more tests!

I had an experience with the star people one time in the mountains. It was extremely vivid and real. I even slipped in the mud climbing up the mountain and got mud all over me. Then a UFO landed at the top nearby where I was standing, and a star person walked out. I was staring at him with wide eyes and a smile. He walked over to me and said, "Do not worry, soon we will be introduced to the Earth." When I asked someone where we were, they told me we were at "Hop Top." I always thought it must be a local nickname for a particular mountain, and I got the impression it was in the western United States, maybe Washington or Oregon, but I've never been able to find it on a map.

Lately, within the past couple of weeks, I have noticed that the people I interact with in my dreams are becoming more real. I can tell they have their own personalities and their own energy patterns (I can usually tell a lot about people when I first meet them just because I can feel their energy). Though I have always been pretty aware in my dreams or out-of-body experiences, something seems to be shifting and I am becoming even more aware. There are many things changing now as we go through this shift in consciousness. It is obvious to me that it is happening fast.

Many Blessings, Bonnie :-)
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Re: Wild dream, faceless man, and possible Alien

Post by wings »

Hey Bonnie,

I never see aliens (that I can recall) in my dreams. I always look around for UFO's. Sometimes, when I am having a dream at the old house I grew up at, and I look up in the sky, I might see a UFO, and then things get tense, like they buzz by at a scary speed. I have been messed with so much, perhaps it is the enemy making them appear hostile, or a hostile alien group that doesnt like me. Who knows. :(

Interesting what you wrote.... That made me remember some dreams about two mountains. One is like a famous one that many people climb. Reddish soil on it like in Sedona, and many pine trees. Its high and for some reason, I affiliate Disneyland to being on the other side, or something like that, or that the mountain 'is' like a Disneyland. There are some area's where you have to hike through these tight area's. Some parts of the trail are very nice and some are treacherous.. Its quite a climb, a high mountain, but very fun.

A second one that I have been to, also numerous times, perhaps 3, which is pretty numerous to me, is that I go through this mountain cave. Its a long hike, its cut into rock, man made, and when I get out, I am in Canada. The view on the other side is beautiful, tons of aspen like trees, a river, flat area surrounded by massive mountains, like being in a town in the mountains in Alaska. And, oddly, when I get there, I am at a check out counter like place, you must go to before going outside, and they give you some coins. I was trying to remember the coins. I was holding them in my hand, trying to study them and it began to hurt, like a focus issue causing my head to have a very odd, unfamiliar pain.

And the people at the counter were 'different' but definately human. But, well, Canadian or something. Just felt different.

I remember back at the other mountain though, there was a shack, I remember corrugated metal sheets, bright metal color, not painted, on the exterior. I remember a woman always being there behind the counter. Its like a little store, a supply store in a very very small area. Not a town or village, smaller... She would say to me 'how is it going? See anything cool up there today?' A couple of others worked there as well, and a few people also walking through that were also customers.

Weird how we can remember things 'later'... Weird how the mind works at times.

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Re: Wild dream, faceless man, and possible Alien

Post by Diego9000 »

There is a place at France called
Achâtel. '-'

It is near open fields and small mountains.

Odd, really odd.
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Re: Wild dream, faceless man, and possible Alien

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

Last edited by ManhattanSkyline on Fri May 31, 2024 6:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Wild dream, faceless man, and possible Alien

Post by Diego9000 »

Ohhh yeah, Manhattan and I had extremely similar encounter (if not identical if I had not managed to act while he couldn't), which seems to be similar to yours. We saw some beings with a smudged face, we couldn't tell any details of their face. But you mention faceless, I wonder if you mean as in : no nose, eyes, mouth, etc or like us that we simply couldn't make out the details because it was smudged/blurred.

@Manhattan: I don't see much similarity to that encounter you mentioned with mine. My encounter was 85% similar to yours than to this one you mention. e.e

The two smudged-face beings I saw had white hands and head. My avatar here, at this forum, is pretty much a homage to what I saw. I drew it on my PC.

Another thing, do you think I can get some PDFs of the books you often mention?
This kinda of material is super hard to find here :/
I don't mind being in spanish or english since I know how to read both.
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Re: Wild dream, faceless man, and possible Alien

Post by wings »

Hey Manhattan,

Pretty wild about your dream, seeing yourself and your dad on the day you were born. Faceless person.... I wonder what that is and why and how....

Sorry to hear about your horrible pain. That is grim.. Reminds me immediately of when I was in the first few weeks of torment. For several days, I would go through a type of pain in my body. The devil or demonic spirits were trying to break me, trying to get me to give up. One pain was in my spine, in the small of my back. I knew somehow it was fake, like induced pain, that they were doing something via the spirit to my body. It came to me, if wood and stone are dialectric (non electric conductive) and this was being done to me in the spirit or from the spirit, thus electrically, then if I 'imagined' a block of wood in my hands in front of me and then imagined pushing it through my stomach and into the area of my back, it should go away. So I tried it. I am sitting there on my couch, not moving, in INTENSE pain in my spine, not moving, level ten pain, and I imagined holding a section of railroad tie (thick beam of wood, about 12 inches of it) in my hands. I imagined how heavy the beam would be, holding it, and then passed it into my body. Bingo... The pain was gone. I sat there enjoying the feeling of having no pain, not moving. That lasted about 5 minutes when I heard that high pitched, nearly silent hissing sound which was a spirit presence. The pain returned... I went back to watching TV. The hissing went away (like a airleak sound on a tire). I again imagined a railroad tie beam of wood in my hands, pushed it through my body, and again, the intense pain went away. This went on for several days and they decided it wasnt worth it.

There was also times when it would go away on its own, like they were exhausted from torturing me and had to rest or something. This was when I first learned about how demons could put 'fake' pain in my body... You might try something like that, see if it takes away your pain. I also suggest praying.

Another thing... Dont give up. DO NOT SURRENDER. It will only get worse. Maybe the torture will lessen, but other things will go crazy. It will be heck. You can get through this. I did. Through God, all things are possible.

And, coincidentally, I have been taking communion OFTEN, sometimes several times a day. I am a non-denominational Christian and didnt really know about communion till a few months ago. Pastor Joseph Prince talked on it quite a few times. It has miraculous things that occur. Jesus talked in a Synagogue (the next morning after they were in a storm at sea) about how he would give up his life so people could live, that if they ate his flesh, they would live (live in greek being 'bodily' or physical life, not spiritual, meaning it would heal them to eat of his flesh, which later, he talks at when doing the last supper, breaking the bread. The bread is his flesh).

A special note here; They didnt need Priests back then to break bread. I do not believe you need special bread or special wine. I use Naan flat bread and Welches Concordian grape juice when I do communion. Also Joseph Prince has a cool prayer thing you can do (if you are interested) for when you do communion. His website has some amazing healing stories about it.

Getting back to your post, about the messenger. I remember in the Bible (while reading your story about the woman from Peru) that often, messengers were sent to people in the Bible, and the person would fall down on their face before them, but the person would say 'dont do that! get up! I am a person just like you. I am a messenger'. I think Angels have also said that as well.

On your other post about blank faces. The last one, the person in the glowing suit. That sounds like the Tall Whites. They have white, tight fitting body suits they wear and can hover and actually do like 70 to 100 MPH in them across the land. The suit exudes a light that hurts the eyes if you look 'directly' at them. They also supposedly have a mild little trail of dots of light when moving. They are not always stable when they lift up high without moving, from what I read (in great detail in Charles Hall's books 'Millennial Hospitality' ). The Tall Whites (TW's) seem to really want to have an open relationship with Earths people. They have wanted to be made known to the public decades ago (they say) but the military or secret government or whoever said no, maybe later. Sad... But, they usually will go out and meet people. They had (or have) a base in New Mexico somewhere, and one in Indian Springs Nevada, and supposedly facilities now under Denver International Airport. They seem to be nice, but they will defend themselves.

Those suits sound like good fun. Oddly, when people looked at the small spheres that would fly next to the P51's and B-17's when flying bombing missions over Berlin in WWII, the pilots said that staring at the spheres or orbs would hurt the pilots eyes. You had to look at them indirectly. Later the USAF figured it was a secret weapon of the Luftwaffe. But I doubt they could fly RC vehicles from vast distances back then or they could fly V2 rockets directly into buildings in England. I still think those were alien craft over Germany. But whose, I dont know. Similar gravity engine though, light based.

Oh how I want to know how anti-gravity works... Man... The Tall Whites have some interesting tech. They use TONS of optic fiber in their hulls of their small jumper craft. They can take a load of USAF Generals to Mars and back and be back in a single day with these little ships. And they made them here at their Indian Springs base (back in 1955. Who knows what they have now).

Anyways... Interesting that the person was out trying to meet those people in the hover suit. Funny about how they freak out, lol.. Imagine landing in a hang glider back in the days of ancient Greece, or landing in a helicopter, etc. How alien it would be like.....

This faceless thing really has me thinking. If you ever get the Samsung VR head gear (goggles looking thing, which plastic, you fit a new Samsung phone in it, and you look all around as though you are 'in' a scene, like a 3D scene or a 3D movie). Its very amazing. But.........!!! They modify some parts, like on a camera shoot, a shot of the Eiffel Tower, you are standing in the grass, and when you look straight down, your feet are erased, blurred out. I saw this in many 3D photos. There are also 3D cartoons and things, movie shots, etc. It would be easy enough to 'edit' things out of the footage.

So, with that said, what if we are fed a dream where you see all this in pure Virtual Reality and the faces are edited out? What if its footage, film, that we are looking at when we see these blurred faces?

Now this would only be in dreams... I dont know about people that have a blurred face in the 'hear and now' dimension. That would be some sort of cloaking tech if that is going on. I remember that Townsend Browns daughter wrote about meeting some aliens once in their home. They were talking with Mr. Brown and she said they had no faces, they were blurred out. So maybe they have active face hiding technology....

Wild stuff...

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Re: Wild dream, faceless man, and possible Alien

Post by guldage »

Hi Wings just read this post. You mention the dream were the people feel different. Like Canadian.

Could it possible be Norway or something like that. Norway have small mointain in the southern parts.
I have had this dream about tunnels. Wery long and then a mountain valley on the other side. Also remember some people of Nordic of type. Looked very much like well scandinavian anyway.
I do remember them explaining somethin, or something like that.

I do not remember much else of this. Dont know if it is simular to your experience??

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Re: Wild dream, faceless man, and possible Alien

Post by wings »

Hey Guldage,

The area reminded me of Canada strongly. Also they were talking english, American english, no accents, like not southern, not new york, not Minnesota Swedish, just straight english, like California 'no accent' english.

The cave had a left hand 'jaunt' or turn 'notch' in it, that I remember. People coming and going. The valley was off to the left. It looked like photos of Alaska to me, but in the dream, it was like I was going to Canada from New York. That was the feeling or memory I had. And very odd coins. They gave us (people in line at the desk before going through to the outside area) these wild coins that were large, like the older American silver dollars that were quite large, and they were really interesting looking. I want to say 'ceramic' or something, but I cant remember.

I have read from several sources that some people hypothesize that when we sleep, sometimes we link into another self in another reality; alternate realities. Once, about a week ago, I woke up after having a very odd dream. I said to myself 'that was crazy...' A spirit (druid) was near me and said 'alternate reality'. I didnt totally believe it, but 'if' that is what it is, then that is interesting. In another reality is a place like that and now I know a little about it, if that is what it is.

I will be very happen when these witch and druid spirits are gone.... In 3 weeks, it will be 16 years that I have dealt with their torment, their trying to get me to give up. What a mess they have made of my life... JESUS FREAK FOREVER!

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Re: Wild dream, faceless man, and possible Alien

Post by guldage »

I was wondering. Wings. You say alternate reality. Maybe in that sense they give each of us a different scene to see. Slightly alien but not totally off from your own reality and Identity. Since I am scandinavian, this would be logical or maybe that is what my mind could take in??
What I remember is that I was explained something, but to be honest I do not remember the language. It could be Norwegian, or english. I do not recall it. I understand both, so neither would get specific attention when spoken to me, I guess.

What I do know is that I did'nt like them much, but do not recall anything besites that.

The tunnel sound very familier the way you descripe it.

Dont know if this makes sense to you what I write. It's just a few thought's on what might have happend, knowing how they can play with your mind.

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Re: Wild dream, faceless man, and possible Alien

Post by wings »

Hey Guldage,

Interesting... I'll have to look for that in my dreams, different langauges. I remember in the dream with the faceless man (top of this page) that I had a problem looking at the information card I was given before the trip started. It was hard to focus on the writing when I want to study it, It tickled the center of my forehead, like being far sighted and unable to see up close or something, but I could see the card well. I kept it in my hand the entire trip. It would have been interesting if there were different spellings of words and for some reason I could understand them. That would tell me, here and now, that it could be another reality, a possibility of that.

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Re: Wild dream, faceless man, and possible Alien

Post by guldage »

Hej Wings

The card thing does sound like something you cant remember or something they dont want you to remember. The fact that it is out of focus in my experience is a signal of that.
Tickling your mind is a good description of it. You just know there is something there.

The card could also be like a symbol of something you need to remember or your brain tells you you need to remember. It might also turn out to be in my experience, something intire different from that as harmless as a card, and also less harmless. I know that can sound a bit omnious, but yet knowledge can also be you taking back the power of your life, so....

I wish I could say it less spooky. JUst want you to be prepered. I know that usually helps if I know a bit of what I can expect before hand. :D

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Re: Wild dream, faceless man, and possible Alien

Post by wings »

Thanks for the heads up on that Guldage.

I know I have been having quite a few vivid dreams lately. None like this, but similar. Usually its another 'team' from this cult group that will not leave me alone. They try to see what I can do in dreams for some goofy reason. When I wake up, I usually try to forget it. When I hear them say 'he doesnt remember it, never mind', etc, I know they had some agenda going on, so I figure, best to just forget the dreams.

Oh, I found another name online. Acctell or Actell. I think its a telephone service overseas. They have one in South Africa. I thought maybe it was a town. Actell-Lucient, South Africa. Its a building though, not a town/village.

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Re: Wild dream, faceless man, and possible Alien

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

Last edited by ManhattanSkyline on Fri May 31, 2024 6:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Wild dream, faceless man, and possible Alien

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

Last edited by ManhattanSkyline on Fri May 31, 2024 6:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Wild dream, faceless man, and possible Alien

Post by wings »

Thats wild...

Well, Ganymede now sounds like a clue. Hovering in a special suit sounds like Tall White tech. They have cool hover suits. Read Millennial Hospitality, books 1 thru 3. If you stare at the suits when they are powered up, it hurts your eyes they are radiating light.

Supposedly a short alien, a high up, perhaps ambassador of a people assigned to Earth, gave the President of the United Nations a list of something like 6 planets in our solar system that have an average temperature on the surface around 67F. I have also heard of one of the moons of Saturn being inhabited. One source is the ex-Chairman of Canada's Security Service (I forget the exact title, but he is all for disclosure and talks often on what he knows and refers to one of the moons of Saturn often).

Pretty interesting.

The 3 Aliens I saw in the hallway that night had upside down triangles on their chests, where a shirt pocket would be. Foil looking jump suits. Shiny. Big eyes...! ;)

Oh...! Something trivial... Of topic, but alien oriented (possibly). At Church a while back, we had a Car Show. Two day deal. Great turn out. I had talked about it on my facebook page quite a bit. While at the show, leaving the cafeteria with a tall pepsi, there was a 'very' tall woman in the crowd. When I say tall, I mean 7 feet tall, and perhaps an inch. Very thin, smiling very very big, black straight hair that was thin and straight, black shirt on. She was very thin, but in shape, not boney. At first I thought, 'this girl is not like most human giants. She is in PERFECT shape!' As I watched her (from behind and beside her, about 20+ feet away, she seemed to really be smiling big and continued on at fast pace. I thought, 'well, I shouldnt pester her if she 'might' be a Tall White', but cool to see one 'if' she was one. I mean 7 feet tall.... And in perfect build, and skinny. Not overly skinny.

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Re: Wild dream, faceless man, and possible Alien

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

Last edited by ManhattanSkyline on Fri May 31, 2024 6:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Wild dream, faceless man, and possible Alien

Post by wings »

Hey Manhattan,

Thats pretty wild. Thanks for sharing that.

Ezekiel talks about his meeting the Seruphum who arrived from Heaven (sky?) in a 'great bronze shield' (gold or copper colored saucer disc?). Also, the giants in one translation arrived at Goshem on the mountain having come from the heavens to 'teach mankind how to live'. They had 'amazing architecture' and were so big, we were like grasshoppers to them, which is pretty big. Slippers from giants graves in the middle east get up to 1 yard long, 1 meter, 36 inches. Their swords and axes are absolutely gigantic. David killed one that was famous, but he killed a total of 7 in his lifetime.

Also, the giants mated with humans and the children for some reason were 'extremely evil.' It went totally bad.

Another point. When the war in Heaven occurred, it is said satan took with him 1/3rd of the stars with him. That is solar systems, right? So some of those races are probably fallen. But where does the bad guy go when he loses the war? Earth. Second choice, plan B to try to really hit at God, attack his 'peculiar treasure'. He loves us and this has been a sort of Garden World where God would go and walk around. Its also been called the 'foot rest of the Throne of Heaven'.

Here is something. I had a dream once. I went to a valley again. I had been there before. I walk up this hill along this road. Its black pavement, a white concrete sidewalk on one side. Grass and trees along the left side, its on a hill all the way up, where you can see the trees to your left, very thick, covering up the land to the left, and the area below. On the right is the road, and a huge mountain range that is close by and high, but not high enough for snow. The range is like a wall all along the right and makes a left turn ahead. When you get half way up the road, you look to the right behind you and there is a valley there that you couldnt see before, and in it are 3 replicas of Earth mansions or palaces. One I recognized from France. One looks Swedish with golden like copper roofing. And a third. I forget what the third is, but these are like the House or Parliment in size. When I first showed up here, a woman was walking past me with two kids. The little boy said to me 'look over there' and I did and I saw the palaces and I freaked.. I stopped and just looked. It was amazing. You could only see them half the way up as the land sort of covered them over the hill we were on, the slope. It like curved down into a valley where these palaces were. They were exact replicas.

When you get to the top, there is this place that is like a Sante Fe style Southwestern architecture place, white adobe, modern windows, like a great restaurant with a bar, belive it or not. A place for drinks but I dont know if it was alcohol there. It was more like a restaurant and I could be wrong about the bar, but you could sit there, and many people were there talking and having conversations. It was like a resort, very nice. Outside along its perimeter was southwestern, rock yard style. To the left was these giant blocks you could sit on. I quietly went over to the area where a large number of people were and sat by myself on a large block. It was about 2 feet high, a foot and a half wide, and about 3 or 4 feet long I think. There were row of them and then some other things for people to sit on. I think they were like tree trunks, not sure. My memory is fuzzy on details.

And then guess who shows up... Here is Jesus.. And he is larger then usual. He is big. And a person is to the left of him, like an assistant, slightly behind him by several feet. Jesus begins telling us details about New Jerusalem. A large hologram turns on and its above Jesus' head and He is explaining what it looks like and details we need to know about it. It was all going over my head as I was sort of in shock. Seeing Jesus and this technology had me sort of numb. It was amazing. The City reminded me sort of like the show Atlantis. It had pedals, like snowflakes, straight edges and lots of shapes. It wasnt square, it wasnt a block. It was beautiful. You could see it in the hologram and it would rotate so you could see it from the top angle, what it looked like from above.

That was my second time there that I remember of.

The first time I was there, I came too (awoke) in a car by a old time gas station. It was like from the 50's. When I was walking up the road to that Sante Fe place, a person with lots of SILVER gray hair, looking a bit like a famous 55 year old country western singer, pulled up just behind me, idled behind me for a big, then drove off. The car was an antique Cadillac with big fins. Its engine was in perfect tune, like new, very quiet, very powerful. I had the impression he was like police and I must have stuck out, but he felt I was safe and drove past. It reminded me of 'Touched by an Angel, how the one Angel loved her Cadillac. His too was a convertable and the sun was beautiful out, yet not overly hot. Just right.

Next... Babylon.. The Stargate movie is partially real in that we have a 'Portal' of old antiquity in S4 near Area 51, stored in the same hanger mountain bunker as the crashed Roswell craft. The real gate is a C shape, with gyros in it, not chevrons. They can go to other worlds as well as egypt and other Earth based locations. But... Its Babylonian or at least they used a Babylonian text tablet that had symbols on it that allowed the engineers to figure out how to fire it up, or dial a location. So I thought you might like to know that.

Lastly... Phoenicia was located near Babylon, north of Israel up the coastline. Babylon would be a bit more North and then far West of Phoenicia if I am correct. When I was EXTREMELY tormented, things got quiet one night. I would be surrounded by spirits in my room, roughed up, and unable to sleep. Well, they seemed to pass out or something one night. I awoke, I had drifted off to sleep, awoke, two guys were on the other side of my wall, outside, by my bed. They wanted to see what was going on. I could feel like they were good guys, maybe Angels. Then, I saw they were shining a flash light through my head. I could see that where the flash light shown through, it lit up my room, but the area was NOT my room. It was someone elses. There were windows, a light plywood color for architecture. Many people were passed out, the lights were out, they were all sleeping. They looked like all about 25 years old. A guy in a hoody, overweight, in jeats, reddish hair I think, curly beard, longish hair. A girl near him. They were on the floor and what seemed like a cough.

Also, and I dont remember if this was before or after the flash light thing, I could see 'glyphs' on the top left and right of my eye perifial vision. I remembered several as best I could. I had told myself, if I ever get in an alien craft, I wanted to see the glyphs, and to remember them. So there I was in bed, pretending to be sleeping, and here are glyphs showing up in my eyes.

The next morning, I wrote down the glyphs. I am big into ancient writing and had a book on ALL ancient languages. I quickly starting going through ALL these languages and found two. One is Ancient Phoenicia, and the second was Aramaic, Jesus' language, which is what modern Hebrew came from, which also itself came from ancient Pheonicia. So I wonder, could a large number of Angels be from Phoenicia? Could that be a language popular in Heaven at main HQ, the Throne of the Universe? Interesting to me. (To me it was terribly exciting).

Being pulverized mentally for many years, when I saw my first set of Angels standing on a Church as we drove by it, I was so dang excited. I had only seen the enemy for over a decade. Great to see the good guys.

So that touches on Babylon and ancient tech.

One last thing... When you talked about Assyria and things.

Bill Clinton took george bush (junior) to a cult meeting in a place called (I think) Bohemian Gardens. A place located in a forest, a days drive from Washington DC. It is said many in Congress are members of this group. george was a member of scull and cross bones (pirate flag). A fraternity from his college. I think his dad was also. They went to this meeting and a guy with a hidden camera followed or went there. There was much alcohol, it was like a resort sort of run down looking place, a large pond, bleechers of seats, and they I think wore capes or something, probably like klu klux klan. This big rock was named after a syrian god, and it looked like an own. (I think it was syria). They sang to it, said a pledge allegience to it, then some guys across the pond appeared to do a human sacrifice behind a curtain. Then supposedly they get a message from this rock. So they said the message was that george would be president of the USA.

The footage is on YouTube. I'll google it and see if I can find it. Bohemian Groves or Bohemian Gardens. One or the other.

It is very depressing (for me) to find out all this. But the truth will set you free.

Sorry, so much to tell...

Concerning the Pharoah and his journey... Isnt it odd that on his journey there are stars over his ship?

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Re: Wild dream, faceless man, and possible Alien

Post by wings »

I forgot to tell you something connected to New Jerusalem.

The other day at this UFO Disclosure page at Facebook, they showed a video (posted it) about a guy that supposedly went to the future. An interesting story. He was an engineer on board the ship in the Philidelphia Experiment. When it went critical, catastrophic system failure, he and his brother jumped off the ship. He had bad radiation burns. He and his brother were taken to the future, perhaps 150 years from now, and medically treated. He spent like 2 months there, getting light and vibration treatments and was healed. Then he was taken for about 2 years to the future. He tells about things in incredible detail (from what I gathered on the report). But.... He talked of a giant crystal city that floated. It could go anywhere it wanted, it would simply go there and didnt touch the ground.

My calculations are that the Tribulations may start soon. The muslims are beheading Christians and that is one of the signs. When Russia attacks Israel, it all begins. Well, I think that is the starting point. It goes very bad for Russia. Their entire invasion force which is quite large, is wiped out, but the equipment is not, and Israel claims it as war spoils, and its HUGE...

Back to New Jerusalem. The Bible talks about it being the 'Jewel of Heaven'. I am thinking its probably being made right now, or is about finished. It will be transported here. Its dimensions in the Bible are 1200 miles by 1200 miles. My thoughts are that if it sat down on the Earth, it would change the rotation and balance of the planet slightly. It would probably be noticeable. But.... If it has its own gravity system, it might just not effect Earths rotation at all. After hearing this about the giant floating crystal city, I was wondering... 'if.... this guy is real, that 'might' be New Jerusalem' he is talking about.' and in that long of time, it would be here, probably for several hundred years. Jesus will arrive in Tribulations, take the devil and its minions, and bring peace to Earth. Earth has had a very dark presence on it for a long time and its about to be removed. Then Jesus will bring a thousand years of peace to Earth. Also, His Father will be coming here and will stay on Earth. I do not remember if He arrives after Tribulations, or after the thousand years of peace.

Also, our life spans are supposed to go back to 1000 years. In the Babylonian days, the kings all lived to be 1000 years old. This was before the great flood. We also had moderate and constant cloud cover. The Tall White aliens (supposedly from Arcturus) have a similar planet. They are very tall (when they go through their second cycle, 50% of their life span point) and they live to at least 750 years old, sometimes to a thousand, but they become very weak and frail, their bones are weak, and they heal super slow, months compared to our 2 weeks to a month.

All so interesting....

A cool tidbit of information. Kids that have died but came back from Heaven, and some that go there like in their sleep, that have met Jesus, have also talked about His Horse. Its white. He rides it. Get this. In the Bible, He will be on a horse, a white horse. A Russian girl would often dream of going to Heaven and she became an oil painter, painting Jesus pictures and pictures of his eyes and other peoples portraits. Her painting of eyes are amazing... Jesus called the eyes the 'mirror of the soul'.

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Re: Wild dream, faceless man, and possible Alien

Post by wings »

Argh... I forgot to post this part. This is the link to the YouTube video about the man that went into the future.

He said that humanity were governed by an AI, artificial intelligence. So that might mean that the Lord arrives after the 1000 years of Peace. I need to re-read this part in the Bible.

And that is 'if......................' this guy is real and this really happened.


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Re: Wild dream, faceless man, and possible Alien

Post by Diego9000 »

Hey, a lot of text here since i last been online:

Thanks a lot for the texts!
The relationship with your encounters and those texts are baffling!

Not much to say, I will tell you what a good friend used to tell me: "Fight fight!"
Don't give up and continue fighting :)
Oh, moonlight, shine on me | I, who has lost the Sun | Embrace me with your light

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Re: Wild dream, faceless man, and possible Alien

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

Last edited by ManhattanSkyline on Fri May 31, 2024 6:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Wild dream, faceless man, and possible Alien

Post by wings »

That is very wild, Manhattan.

I wonder if an Angel could help you? Just have to be careful because there are spirits acting like they are angels, but are not.

You have seen that town! It is amazing.... Man, its like.. Disneyland. Rebuilt replicas in full scale. Brilliant...

I once was 'out and about' in a dream. I saw a person under a table beside and behind a house. I have no idea where I was. It was daytime, like a fishing village place you would find around Canada. A person was under this work table, hidden, hiding, legs folded up, his head between his knees. He looked dark, like a shadow. I felt intense pain, sadness, fear, anger. Everything dark was in this person. He was in bad pain and all folded up hiding under this table. I walked away. I didnt know what to do for him. Sad...

I wonder about those people you talked about.

Once, in a dream, in an area like Phoenix where I live, I was in a traffic jam (in the dream) and tried to take a short cut. Always it turns out my car disappears and I am trapped in some house or neighborhood and then wakeup when bad things happen. There were three cut girls that let me in their home. I dont know why. Nice house. Talking with them. All about 16 or 18 years old. Darling kids. Then I notice one has slashed wrists. I freaked. No blood, but the wrists were opened up. I began to reaslize I was in a place, these girls had died. Then a woman about 25 with a crew cut haircut (short like a guy) shows up with groceries or something, sees me in the living room, runs at me and tackles me, and shortly later I wake up.


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