Hello I'm seeking info/help.

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Hello I'm seeking info/help.

Post by emp222 »

Hello I'm seeking info/help. I'm unsure if I was abducted by aliens but I'm sure I was abducted and tested upon. I have a dent and scar on the the back side of my head from when I was a child. I believe it was from my abduction. I was told all my life it was from two separate events years apart. Yet the scars make an X on my head so it happened in the same spot. My medical records have no events or surgeries on my head in them. I realized my memories of the events that happened are false and that my folks were retelling me stories that changed over and over again.
I need to find out what happened to me. I have a list of changes that Happen after the event and am trying to wrap my mind around it. The scar is on the back right side of my head. and here is a list of some of changes.
I was left handed but changed to right handed. I am now very dyslexia, stuttering, unable to see difference in colors green and lite brown or red, pink and orange.(this has worsened and is now a problem because I'm a painter/illustrator) I was out going and became very people phobic and skeptic. I'm seeking help or direction because it has begun to affect my relationship with my mate. I've kept it to my self because I don't want to end up in a rubber room.
Thank you for listening.

My only memories of the events are: (1st event) a number of people standing over me and I can't see their faces because of light is shining from all of them. It was all women in 1950's style sun dresses I could only see there dresses, no hands or voices. At this time I was 5 years it was 1981 and i was located in Fort Rucker Alabama. I dont know what month day or time.

(2nd event) I was in the 1st grade and was age 6 or 7 this event lasted a whole school year.(I was told I was hit by a student and fell into a corner bead of a wall) what I remember very vividly being escorted from my class daily and sitting with a lady I only see light for her face, she was had on a 50's style dress (that never changed it was the same dress day after day) and I don't remember her arms or hands. She had me looking at symbols and was making me write with my right hand. I remember crying a lot and she always would assure me(but never I never heard a voice) we would go back to class when I could write with my right hand and when I would stop stuttering. My last visit with the dress it led me from class and down the hall and out of the school. It was bright and I don't know where I was at this point. she was happy but the room was very small. I was asked to remember something but I don't know what it was (again I was asked but not with a voice) . She kissed my forehead (this is an assumption because I remember the dress leaning in on me and wet breath on my forehead). I got up and turned my back to her then a flash of light and heat blinded me. I woke up in the hospital my head wrapped like a mummy. A week later I was back in school but I never was escorted from class again. This was 1983 or 1984 during the school year At Clarkmoor elementary Fort Lewis Washington. I don't know the months or days
My folks can't remember or wont say. As I looked at my past school records I repeated the first grade but not because of failure or absent days. when i asked my folks they said the school requested them to let me retake the first grade because of my emotional level had declined and they felt I need more self-confidence. This does not make since to me.
and I only remember going to school for the first grade once.
head x and dent scar
head x and dent scar

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Re: Hello I'm seeking info/help.

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Emp222,
Welcome to the forum.
Wow. What a puzzle!

Your memories are those of a child, during the age when you were still in a "hypnagogic state." Basically, your brain waves were not yet the Beta waves of an adult, so things might seem a little "dreamy" or magical.

Your memories of seeing the same lady wearing the same dress day after day...do you get the impression she worked at your school? And she seemed human?

The strange thing is no record and no clear answer from your parents. If they really cannot recall what happened to your head, then maybe there is something else going on that they are not aware of for some reason. What is your impression?

Many Blessings, Bonnie
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Re: Hello I'm seeking info/help.

Post by wings »

Hello EMP,

I have a question. You were on a base. The lady was in a white Nurse outfit. Was she tall and thin? I believe you were seeing a 'Tall White.' The ladies usually wear Nurses outfits. They used to. Now they wear more normal clothes, but back in the days, they wore basically white outfits picked out by Generals at the Pentagon, and they usually looked like Nurses.

They have been working with us in sharing technologies. I wonder if you had had a accident, and they were offering help in healing you up? It could have been a special case and you needed high technology help and they were able to offer it?

They really like kids, especially their own. They are big on raising children. Very important to them. This could be a possibility. They have a base at Indian Springs Nevada, and recently, people say they have a base also under Denver International. Probably several places (on Earth) but thats what I hear on the grapevine.

I wish I had more information for you. Thats only a 'possibility', but hearing the nurses outfit was a key detail. This was usually all they had to wear, and when meeting USAF personnel for the first time, they were usually in Nurses outfits. They need the heat, so it could be she had on stocking as well? Like heavy stockings? They get cold easily. Their normal temp is like 140F, so 98F is very cold. 80 or 76F is REALLY cold for them, though I am sure some have adapted.

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Re: Hello I'm seeking info/help.

Post by emp222 »

I used to believe that it was a woman whom worked at our school. I just assumed she wore an apron. When recalling my memories later I relized it was dress and because I can't remember any her features like hair, skin color, height, age and voice, it made me question if she was real. My school reports show no classes outside of the regular classroom that a teacher or staff would escort me to another area of the school daily.
I always assumed were telling the truth. When asking my parents why switched from being a left-handed to right-handed they would avert the subject. That's when I began to recall the lady in the dress that's when I started questioning why would both incidences make cuts on the exact same place on my head making an X and in indentation of a triangle with in the lines.
If it was an accident I believe my folks would be honest as I am now an adult and that it would be in my medical records.
My impression is someone or something messed with my head literally not just figuratively. Rationally I want to believe it was a surgery to help me and being that it was on the right hemisphere of my brain that the side effects would be change of Dominic hand use, possible color miss-identification and memory loss. But I was told from a physician the area's too small for tumor remove and they were unsure of any procedure that would be in that area.
I'm looking to see if anyone else a similar incident that can help me rationalize this.
Thank You

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Re: Hello I'm seeking info/help.

Post by wings »

Hey EMP,

There 'are' doctors that work with people that think they are being 'worked on' by aliens. You should do a really good google search on doctors in the field of alien implants and things. There are perhaps only several in the world. One just passed away, unfortunately. But there are others. You might ask key figures. Perhaps someone at MUFON might be able to direct you to someone that is familiar with cases like yours. I would think you are not alone.

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Re: Hello I'm seeking info/help.

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

Last edited by ManhattanSkyline on Fri May 31, 2024 6:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Hello I'm seeking info/help.

Post by wings »


Remembering your memories on the WWII style camp, jeeps, those light sticks around the camp, the nurse. Now the 'frozen time' and the nurse again. Also events changing that were memories. Sounds like time lines have been effected. Interesting...

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Re: Hello I'm seeking info/help.

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Wow! There is some really good information in this thread.

Many of us do have memories of things that happened when we were younger and no one else in the family remembers it, but perhaps that is because they never knew. Perhaps these things that happened to us were happening in another reality or even a different timeline. It makes sense for those of us that go traveling to different worlds at night

Speaking of timelines changing, there is a new phenomenon happening right now called The Mandela Effect. People are noticing changes in movies, television, books...the media. But I think this is just the beginning...the media is what people usually focus on so this is what they are noticing first. However, some people are starting to notice changes in their own lives.

John and I just made a video about The Mandela Effect:

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Re: Hello I'm seeking info/help.

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

Last edited by ManhattanSkyline on Fri May 31, 2024 6:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Hello I'm seeking info/help.

Post by wings »

Dang... Thats wild about the Mandella effect. I remember seeing those tail lights change. One night his car had the old tail lights, then another night, they were different... About 3 weeks later, they changed back to the other version, both sides. I confronted him about those. He laughed. Probably thought I was nuts.

I have seen mild changes. I figured this was what was going on.

On your video, Bonnie, when the cards started showing, I got ill. I couldnt watch them all. Very bad feeling.

I was at a meeting once in a dream. Jesus was speaking. I was at a place in a valley I had been before. He was telling us about New Jerusalem. A huge halogram appeared over His head of the shape of the city, it would spin around so you could see it from the top, etc. He was talking about things we needed to know about it. Then we were dismissed. About 40 of us? I went to this area that was in front of the place we were at, and I found myself in a vehicle with my mother and brother. All the land was flooded, about 1 to 2 feet of water. We were slowly driving along in a Land Rover.

Another dream, I was flying over long areas' of land, all underwater, some several feet. A great flood had occurred, a nuclear winter of heavy clouds, so heavy, it was almost night time, a very dim glow of blue on the top of the sky inside black clouds. People below (we were airborn in a loud plane) were making round walls around their homes and pumping the water out. Farm lands, like Missouri.

The 144,000 are people that saved themselves for the Lord. They are pure, virgins, set with their hearts fully for God. They are 'special' people.

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Re: Hello I'm seeking info/help.

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

I think this is a natural occurrence and a good thing. We are just starting to see little bits of our reality shifting into a higher frequency, and this is great! It is what we have been waiting for and working for, at least those of us who are trying to be good people and become more aware of the Truth and improve our awareness, moving toward higher consciousness.

The little things people are noticing are changes in movies, TV, books...all media (mostly). I think this is because most people are focused on the media and it has played a big part in their lives. For those who are more aware, we can see other things in our personal lives that are changing. Like Manhattan was saying about the houses in his town that are no longer there and it doesn't even look like they were ever there (maybe you should ask others if they remember them). And like Wings was saying about the tail lights on his friend's car changing back and forth.

And pretty soon we start to realize we have the power to create and manifest our own reality. :D
It is fluctuating. All you need to do is focus on love.
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Re: Hello I'm seeking info/help.

Post by wings »

Hey Guldage,

I didnt feel anything. I didnt feel uncomfortable, I didnt feel threatened. It was a relaxed, non-intrusive conversation. Like being at the bank perhaps, talking with someone in the office at a desk. Also, I didnt see the woman operating the 4 way button until she would press it. I could see her face, but only her face. Blond hair, large curls, shoulder length, light complexion.

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Re: Hello I'm seeking info/help.

Post by wings »

Im sorry. I posted on this page by mistake. Bonnie, could you please delete that post I did just above, and this one, please.


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