Markings I woke up with during abduction phenomena

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Markings I woke up with during abduction phenomena

Post by Lilith »

resized mark.png
I had to resize the pictures for this site, hopefully the quality came through well. If not I'll try again :)

This was during the same time period where I had unexplained bleeding from my kidneys, night terrors, a near-possession... lots of crazy things... so it was eerie it would show up as well.

It appeared overnight (from what I can tell), felt like a cut/rug burn of sorts, but itchy and flaky; chemical burn? I did not notice it until it itched and I scratched the back of my neck. It stung and my finger came away with a tiny bit of blood, so I asked my husband to look at it; he said it looked like some weird scabs, and I had him take a pic so I could see

We actually forgot all about this until recently when I have been researching abduction and MILAB-type stuff again... and then it was like, how could we have let something like this slip by? So much we did not question :/

Bonnie, do you have any input? :o Anyone else? Either way I thought it might be of interest

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Re: Markings I woke up with during abduction phenomena

Post by guldage »

14302513_10208807360319783_84701692_n.jpg (10.76 KiB) Viewed 21779 times
Burn (1).jpg
Burn (1).jpg (9.18 KiB) Viewed 21779 times
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Here a little selection of what I have woken up with. One of them a nasty burn, You could still see it on the skin a month later. The skin was darker where the mark was.

Also I have woken up with a bleeding finger with something that looks like there h and as been taken a biopsy and strange markings on my belly, in the shape of triangles and the like. Unfortunately no picture of that since my camera went dead and the pic vanished.
14302513_10208807360319783_84701692_n.jpg (10.76 KiB) Viewed 21779 times

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Re: Markings I woke up with during abduction phenomena

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hello Lilith,
Have the markings completely disappeared by now? Many people who have strange experiences at night wake up with marks on their skin. Sometimes they find already-healed up scars (that were not there the day before) and sometimes they wake up with bleeding sores, little scoop marks taken from their skin, geometric shapes, and bruises. Sometimes the bruises are actually shaped like very large hand prints! I have seen these in person, and I have also experienced waking with already-healed scars and geometric patterns that fade after a couple days or so.

Because you also experienced night terrors and everything else at the time, the marks on your back are definitely suspect. It will be up to you to figure out what was going on.... Obviously, you already know it was an odd, scary time when bizarre things were happening. Was it an attack from some entity who was trying to possess you? What was that all about? Were you having nightmares? Were you aware that an entity or entities were attacking you?

It could have been alien related or even military related. You will need to try and remember more to put all the pieces together.

The part about letting it slip by -- when really weird things happen that are difficult to explain, sometimes the brain cannot handle it and puts it in the back of the mind for later. Sometimes it is easier to leave things unexplained than to try and live with the truth. It can take a long time to figure things out and then come to terms with it, especially in a culture that tends to ridicule people who experience anything out-of-the-ordinary.

You are definitely not alone in this matter. There are millions of people who are aware that strange, other-worldly events happen that they cannot easily explain. However, more and more people are becoming brave and speaking or writing about it.

Try to remember more about what was happening in your life at that time in order to get a more clear picture. I highly recommend keeping a"dream journal" by your bedside to record anything you can remember when you wake up in the morning.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
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Re: Markings I woke up with during abduction phenomena

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

My Goodness, you have certainly had more than your share of bruises, scars, and sores. In your experience, do you think that most of these markings were alien related or perhaps military related?
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Re: Markings I woke up with during abduction phenomena

Post by guldage »

Bonnie I think most are alien related, though ofcause diffecult to be sure. But think some of the bruises might have showed up after I had been on a sort of fieldtrip with some aliens. This specific alien type of guy often show up in my dreams. They look a bit like a very large human sized alien. No hair on the body at all and very stringy with a face very pronounced around the edges. The bone structure very prominent. Most of the time when I have him in my dreams I am told to reach into something. A bit like the Movie poltergeist but without the scare. It seems that I can or are being trained to do something like reaching into something that not all of them can do.
With this lets call it field trip. I am with him and two other alien guys down in this very large cave. It is illuminated by some light because I have no trouble seeing. There are several levels and on top I all of a sudden can here this explosion and daylight comes in. The guy that I often meet with grabs me by the arm and says. You have something they want and drag me along into the tunnels where we can look down on the spot we were before. Had a scraped knee and some bruising from his grip when I woke up. Had no accidents the day before that could explain it.
Another time I came back with a burn that you can see on the above picture. 3 month later the area was still a little darker than the rest of my skin.
So I think they use me for something, not just as a lab rat but something else. Not sure what though

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Re: Markings I woke up with during abduction phenomena

Post by Diego9000 »

@guldage, those pics you sent are very similar to the ones I have sometimes. But I do have a skin condition called Atopic Dermatitis, so I can't rule out it ain't my skin problem, but somedays, I woke covered in red spots, almost like a feline, they are bright red, making some circles, literally everywhere, but they all vanish in matter of hours and if I take a nap, they vanish even faster. I didn't found out yet what could be triggering this, but is very similar to your pics, but mine is way more noticeable.
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Re: Markings I woke up with during abduction phenomena

Post by guldage »

Diago I do not get bruises easy. I really have to hurt my self to get a bruise, so when I get a mark like this I would, if awake when I get them, know and have cursed epicly at the pain. I have played high level handball. European contact sport where I got away with less bruises than I sometimes get at night in my bed. Very Crazy.

The picture above is of my leg this morning, minus the blood. I had this dream where I was was in this cave system and some tunnels. This alien guy was dragging me along because it seems as far as I gathered that we needed to get away. From what I do not know. I stumble at some point and scrape my leg on that spot. A little later I woke up and my leg had this scrape on it and some dried out blood.
That is not the first time I could put together the two dots dream and bruise or cut.

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Re: Markings I woke up with during abduction phenomena

Post by Lilith »

@Bonnie, at that time I was recovering from an attempted suicide, followed by being attacked and then later raped, so I was in a weak place spiritually. During the day I was in a near-constant panic attack, to the extent where I would be soaked in sweat by the end of the day. The episodes entailed me going into the fetal position and flinching/then kicking violently trying to get away. Physically I was underweight, pale, weak and shaking like a leaf, prone to intense cold chills and fits of vomiting, fits of tears. My nights were full of nightmares: being raped and violent landscapes, the death of those I loved. I would wake with bruises and cuts, unexplained discharge (no unwellness or anything), my kidneys were bleeding heavily and the doctors could not figure out why. They didn't stop for months, until I got a spiritual healing actually.

I should add I had episodes specifically about the rape/attack/child abuse, but these paled in comparison to those mysteriously without visual flashbacks. I've no idea what I was remembering happening to me, only that it was truly terrible.

My husband and I fought, never hatefully but more due to my crazy behavior which was vexing. It drained me excessively. The particularly bad ones would leave me ill for days. After a few days in a row of episodes, my husband and I got in another altercation and he left the room (that seemed to be the end-game of whatever was causing this: to get me weak and alone, hopeless). I said aloud that I gave up and truly did give way internally somehow. My husband came back, but I was too fr gone by then and something invisible hit me. I went into a seizure, feeling something that felt like awful, nauseating cold fire trying to go down my throat and into my belly. My husband held me and put up energy guards, banishing it with his will.

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