
let's just talk

Moderator: Bonnie Jean Mitchell

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Post by Ashlie »

Hello, just wanted to post a topic about seeing auras;

I've been able to see auras since I was a very small child. Except back then I only seen colorless gas looking things around people. If I studied them hard enough though I'd be able to see colors. Now that I'm more aware I see them on a daily basis, I can also feel energy from others, (I'm empathic) and usally do not need to see an aura to determine what a person is like/feeling. But auras are useful for other things.

To practice seeing auras have someone stand against a plain background (either a black or white background works best for me) and look a few inches above their shoulder, it may help if you take your eyes out of focus a bit....but just stay concentrated on one area! Pretty soon you'll see their aura. If you don't have anyone to stand against the wall, just hold your hand up to it..that works too!

Once you see the color the person has you will be able to determine many different things about the person; a website that I found to be resourceful is but there are many of them out there! I just use this site for the aura page because it's pretty detailed.

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: Auras

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Ashlie,
Thanks for the info on auras. That's a great link you provided, it talks about all the colors and what they mean. From what I've been told, my aura is light blue with silver specks in it. It would be interesting to hear what color everyone's auras are. What is the color of your aura?

Here is a picture of the chakras all lined up.
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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