Dreamlike experience

experiences with otherworldly beings

Moderator: Bonnie Jean Mitchell

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Dreamlike experience

Post by Visigoth »

Two nights ago I had a dream.
In this dream I found myself standing outside at night in front of a house that I didn't recognize. What was strange about this was that the one-story house had a long L-shaped porch and appeared to be what one would see perhaps in the South (I truly have never seen the house before and the area that this house was in reminded me of the South because I have traveled through that area as an adult and the vegetation was dense). There was a great deal of trees tall grass and vegetation that was encroaching upon the house itself. The next thing I noticed was a blue light that seemed to shine down from above at the rooftop of the house. I remember feeling humidity on my body. It was cool outside, but not uncomfortably so. I also remember not feeling particularly strange about standing outside at night in an unfamiliar location. It was about at that moment that I saw what appeared to be one of the gray aliens peeking his head around the corner of the house at the back of the porch. I wasn't alarmed and found it mildly humorous actually. Moments later, another gray alien (now truthfully I couldn't tell whether they were gray or not because of the illumination but they did appear to be what we've all seen as the classic gray aliens with the larger heads and large black eyes) Peek its head around the corner as well just behind the first, and then a third did the same thing so that there were three aliens peeking around the corner of the house. Once again I found it very humorous and in fact in my mind I thought “Wow, it’s Huey, Dewie, and Louie!”. Honestly, I remember chuckling as I saw the sight and I didn't feel intimidated or frightened in any way.

Beyond that, I don't remember anything else except waking up with this powerful image or event in my mind. It reminds me of my previous post that happened years ago where I had something occur to me that I felt was a physical experience and later a dreamlike experience occurring. I'm not sure if the dream experience happened at the same time as the other event which may be related to the marks I recently found on my body (right foot) as well as my son's body (left hand). All I can say is this is what I saw or experienced and I wanted to share it here because this is the only place I feel comfortable doing so.

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: Dreamlike experience

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

That's funny how all three aliens stuck their heads around the corner of the house like that. It is good to have a sense of humor. :D
I tend to have fun with them too.

When I was a child and I first started going out at night with the star people, they would appear in my bedroom and I would sit up, pull the covers back, and hop out of bed to go with them. Nowadays, I do something similar to what you did: I meet them halfway. Instead of them coming to get me out of bed, I meet them in another place.

It is a very vivid, real experience in which we are consciously awake and aware, but we are not in our physical bodies, we are in our etheric bodies. This is just one of our bodies in which our consciousness is able to experience life. The etheric body is basically the invisible blueprint for the physical form, and it is what the star people/aliens work with when we go with them. At least, that is my take on it after 40 years.

I hope you and your son are doing well. When my daughter was very young, we sometimes experienced visitations together.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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