My experiences

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My experiences

Post by dawnder »

I am new to this forum and also to the idea of my experiences possibly being related to Alien Abduction. Over the weekend I purchased a book at a yard sale that seems to have changed my reality. It is entitled "Abducted, the story of the Intruders continues" by sisters Debbie Jordan and Kathy Mitchell. I was drawn to this particular book and after reading it I feel like I know why.

Sometime between the ages of six and eight (1986-1988) I started to have a reoccuring lasted through childhood at one point it was happening almost nightly. Then I didn't have the dream for many years. Since starting my relationship with my husband the dream has returned...only a handful of times in our six year relationship has it occurred.

Then this weekend after reading part way through the book and having chills and a stomach ache the whole time...I get to a part where Debbie has an experience that is almost word for word my reoccuring nightmare. It is on page 124 for anyone familiar with the book. It doesn't appear to have anything to do with aliens...but you can imagine my surprise when the dream I have been having for over 20 years is before my eyes in print...and I didn't write it.

For the last six years I have been seeing doctors for many physical symptoms with no explanations. Since childhood I have had weird experiences (one I only remembered after relating my feelings about reading the book to a close friend).

I have had many, many poltergist experiences in many different locations, with many different witnesses. I have the ability that up to now I had thought of as automatic writing...and what some have said is clairaudiance.

As a teenager my parents were told that my sister was exhibiting signs of PTS yet no one could figure out why. Before my mother died she told me of her own alien encounter, which I never doubted when told.

These things taken seperately are not much but by the end of the book and 15+ similarities later...and after some research leading me to this website...I can't say anything for sure anymore. I will say I have no memory of a close encounter with a UFO...although I remember some strange occurences in my bedroom as a kid.

Just wondering what everyone else I jumping to conclusions and should talk to a therapist or is there more to this then I could have ever thought possible?

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: My experiences

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Dawnder,
You are not jumping to conclusions. It sounds like you are taking all the information and putting the pieces together in a logical fashion. I started having weird experiences when I was a kid and also had a recurring dream. My first experience with the star people happened when I was four years old, and this does run in my family. My sister also has similar experiences.

It is not unusual for your memory to be triggered by the book you are reading. I have heard of it, but not read it myself. What really brought a lot of buried information from the back of my mind was a book written by Budd Hopkins called Intruders, and I believe the book you are reading is written by the same woman from that book (Kathy).

All the things you have written here, from your psychic experiences to your sister showing signs of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and your mother telling you about her experience, fit right into alien abduction.

However, please do not let this frighten you. Easier said than done, I know. Look at it this way: you are simply waking up to the true nature of this reality while others are still asleep. You have the sense to put these things together and figure them out. You have control over the situation, so let that knowledge bring you some relief.

Many Blessings, Bonnie :)
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