Sensing UFOs

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Sensing UFOs

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

Last edited by ManhattanSkyline on Fri May 31, 2024 7:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Sensing UFOs

Post by guarded1 »

if anyone remembered the aspect of presence i posted a while back id say it seems you also were able to sense things beyond your given plane. i prefer to be alone in the spirit plane but at guven time of day a demon will pop out of the higher planes and try to scare me. i thought after kiling millions of them they would leave. but i learned that im getting repeats. so i decided to surround 15 meters with a high density essence seperation cloud. they still come and transmt seconds worth of information before poping out. ive literally given up if this doesnt keep them away. ive lost track of how much energy ive accumulated through this method. in only does this to demons. ive catalogued known human frequncies. hiwever if feel that fhere is a fed prsent hisdark energy gets siphoned. they eventually leave. they created a base near my house so its pretty damn annoying. i never reach peace unlezs i channel the good and meditate on it. perhaps if i said theyve give me enough fuel to power the defiant mark indefinitely. if they keep this up ill meet my quota well before the current cell runs dry. but its only slight reprieve. sadly ive made it so clear for them to leave me alone. i set them on fide at the very hint of there presence. i can sense beings at roughly 150 meters away afterwards i could care less. i can sense energy to the moon if i felt the need but a beings presence only gets fuzzier the farther youare away from me. defiant power draws about a mile which conicidentally there is a base about a mile out one foot over that mile and nothing happens. 150 meters is the fates energy draw distance it not its limit but i figure more isnt worth more hassles. if a very significant source of darkness enters defiant range it creates a pain signifying a great essence. they if near say 200 meters out ill know because of their size. there are many varying degrees of senses. if you smell a terrible odor like sewage and it isnt logical based on the location or given physical barriersyoure smelling a demonic sulfur compound found on alien skin. at least the lesser lower class ones. dracos bathe in gold so they dont give off a rplsive odor but they are rather predatory. noone is strong enough to handle a draco. but then there is those noises that can be creepy such as doors soundng like they opened yet didnt physically. that is a demon entering the spiritual version of your plane in that given space. sadly you cannot touch or truly see them or taste them but those senses also have psyonic counterparts. but there is two visusl tevhniques a person has. they can veiw the world around them subconsciously in all dimensions within one dimension space above. so if your in the 3rd plane yu can see in the 4th. hiwever this is a skill very few develop naturally. the minds eye is that all seeing eye. if you can sense their energy use yur minds eye to lock ontothat energy. the other skill is intermediate. by emitting ether particles from you central power source (ie. yourself) it will be given yiur auras hue. by channeling this energy forward close your eyes and cause the ether to shine. this will in essence be like static. the closer said object is, the better the clarity. ive seen many things using this skill. this can also be used by the blind. what this does however is attaches to the closest ether plane. not an alternative versions but a respective version. great training is to soap up your face and drop the soap so you know not where it is. eventually you get used to it. im very astounded by the results.

but anyways ive already said it possible to sense something a dimension away. ive very rarely ever sensed friendly presences and if my energy has seeped into an aura of anoher person enough i can even sense when that light faded to the exact time. i asksd mom when grandma died but secretly i knew because i hooed her uo to defiant power and increased her vitality. however exactly when she died i felt a trememndous draw and then bam it stopped. i marked the time. and was amazed to have an exact match. i told her that eventually but then she thought i was crazy. i could sense it on her. i tried again on my uncle who died of cigarette smoke. he was a smoker at a young age and after getting cancer was given an exact estimate to his time left. i found the doctor accurate. i agan tested defiant power. it raised his vitality by the same amount that grandma did. they lasted extremely similar percentages. 150% to be exact but i couldnt reveal defiant again. he died exactky when his draw stopped. such perfect timing is not left to coincidences given the variables. i went and felt two more lights fade then for now noone has been old or at deaths door since. an aunt who should have died was given repeieve buti had merely judged her bodies energy and how much was leftin her source. they put her on life support and then stopped when it was thought to be a good point to stop. she died minutes after being taken off. her body had recovered only ten minutes of life. but she was terminally ill so why let her suffer. one othr spot on death and i was done, put in a hospital. i was only partly crazy but i learned from the master as well as other people that the more powerful ones are a bit off their rocker so to speak. like for example autism grants immesne focus at the cost of understanding emotions. you can learn both but starting off with focus is a clear accelerant in learning psychic abilities. most emotions i backwards learned from empathy. id say people who can sense outside the norms are at risk for certain diseases. its hard to say. but some crazy people gained psychic abilities from illness.

id say its best to drain away any evil intent from those creatures. be careful as there are the many demons who will put you to sleep. however if you used ether powers for defense you could easily show disinterest and scare some others off. if you had an affect on them that was based on how long they are in your space that might deter them from staying. some people are exceptions. if they know something they shouldnt like me they would be forced to push them away or risk injury. i have wards that set them on fire if they step out of line. i have family to protect. i made seperate contingencies for many things. they are going after my brother. however a human will not be set ablaze by the wards. they dont fit those wards requirements. im thinking of streamlining the ether magentic pulse for a ward to paralyze the humans.

in the end everone should do what they can or wish to do. but being able to control the situations better helps.
ill see if i ahve any idea how to make easier wards that are more passive but i consider passive being the abiliy that lets them live but how is construed. setting fire to an alien will destroy its existing body but its essences will rebuild it. for humans its tricky because i have to assume they havent disconnected their mind from their ether self. so killing them in that form would mean death. but i have an ether shutdown power related to a static burst which is merely a simple knockout. they lose consviousness. but its hard because alins will teleport away and the human was just knocked unconscious. unless you were abke to go into that plane and move them it would just delay the situation. it takes months to rebuild alien astral bodies. ill think of something. maybe if people coukd use warp skills they could just move by onnecting their given space with some random pasture a mile out or something. ive got some thinking to do.

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Re: Sensing UFOs

Post by wings »

Thats pretty wild, ManhattenSkyLine.

Ive noticed (from reports) that Orbs that are orange are usually alien or UFO's. Almost like its a NAV light beacon designation for them.

I have also noticed that usually when an Orb appears, it can bring in another and another and another like as though they are a gateway device. Then, they can get in a circle and bing! A craft appears in the center. The UFO in Phoenix (giant flying wing thing) supposedly did this. Sadly, I remember that day. My brother called me and told me to go out and check it out. I refused. He had been drinking and I figured he was seeing things. It flew over Phoenix 2 times that night, once in the evening going to the gunnery range, and then coming back the other way, and half visible, like half cloaked.

But... Back to Orbs. I wonder if they are a transdimensional device (like drones) and they can use this to transfer things back and fourth?

Pretty wild that you can see them. I can see them sometimes also. I'll never forget the time I heard something in the hallway of a house I was watching for friends. I figured it was a mouse. I went in and stood there, watching the air (I call it). Focus on an area in the air and without blinking, you suddenly see the air like its a fog and there are things in it. I am standing there, watching for a mouse nose to pop out from under one of the doors when I notice 3 short guys with massive eyes, and what looks like foil suits on, upside down black triangles on their chests (symbol of some sort) and they are standing their half squatting, as though they were getting ready to run for it. I hear in my mind 'dont be afraid, I am not going to hurt you'. I thought I said that to him in my mind. It was so odd. For some reason, I went back in the other room.

The crazy part is that I had always wanted to meet them and when I do, I walk away?? crazy... But, since then, I have learned there are bad aliens as well as demons and also humans that can go in the spirit, and of those, some very evil people that go out and do harm to others by means of torment, etc.

Edit: The aliens I saw I believe might have been friendly. I didn't sense danger or an evil presence.

So wild though to hear that you see their craft.

Stay safe. I hope nothing bad happens.

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Re: Sensing UFOs

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

Last edited by ManhattanSkyline on Fri May 31, 2024 7:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Joined: Wed Jul 17, 2013 11:38 pm

Re: Sensing UFOs

Post by wings »

Very interesting... I never thought about times of the year, moon cycles, etc.

I did leave out a couple of details on the house I was watching. Later that night, when falling asleep, I felt small hands on my feet trying to pull me, like pulling me out of body while I was right at dozing off. I kind of had an idea what was going on. But it wasnt going well. Then, I remembered what was like a dream. I was talking with a 'person' that had a very large head, like a sphere that was the shape of an insects head, or something with very very large eyes that were the shape of parts of his head, maybe a bit like a praying mantis, I dont know, but it was in the dark, but it wasnt totally dark, we were setting at the bar in the kitchen, he was on my right, and what 'woke me up' inside this out of body thing was when he held up his hand. Four fingers, exactly double the length of mine. Thats when my senses totally went active and I was awake and I remembered that moment. I have no idea what we were talking about, only those 4 fingers, no thumb. And slightly concave finger tips. This guy was also about as tall as me, wasnt a gray unless his head was a helmet. I dont know. I only know what I saw and went from there.

Perhaps a month or 3 later, I thought I remembered walking through the backyard that night with several of those guys and some grays, but again, I dont know.

So, as you stated, sometimes more occurred then we thought, and yes, it did.

I have heard they have strong mind control. (I have been really reading up on these things). So I guess it explains my turning around in the hallway and going back to reading in the living room. Its like being a science fiction movie freak and you love Star Wars, and you turn on cable one night and a new movie of Star Wars is on, AND YOU DONT WATCH IT!!! sigh.... Perhaps there is an element of fear or shyness as well.

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