was it just a dream or was it real??

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was it just a dream or was it real??

Post by Ifeelcrazy »

hey guys,

ok so where to start? last night i went to bed as usual. but just before i went to sleep i heard this tapping sound and felt like there was someone in the room with me, but i just put it down to the general creepy noises you heard before bed. then starts the dream. it started off that i was doing a friends hair (im a hairdresser) but i felt so exhausted by the time i finished. i then remember driving a car ( i don't drive) to this house i've never seen before and falling into a bunk bed. all sounds pretty normal so far. it then switched and i was at this party/ gathering with my dad and step mam, and we were talking about people not being able to feel their limbs, all of a sudden i couldn't feel my legs and it felt like i was sucked out of the dream and i was back in my bedroom at my mams house ( i've been staying with her the past few days as i hurt my back at work and can't manage on my own) but it felt like my legs where in some sort of tube i couldn't move my body and i was drooling a lot because i was trying to scream for my mam but nothing would come out. i really felt like something was above me on the headboard but i couldnt move to see. next thing i know i look back to the wall and there was this figure almost like a human body but it was grey and short with big massive black eyes, well i don't have to tell you i have never felt so terrified in my life, i wanted to run and scream and cry and nothing i couldn't move, now i don't know whether it was my will of whether it let me but i could move my arms and i was trying to claw its eyes out. what makes me think this wasn't a dream is the fact for 1 it seemed so real and 2 i could feel it touching my skin and i could feel its eye when i was trying to claw it. it just stared at me and it wasn't at all fazed by me trying to grab it. i then "woke up" and screamed the house down for my mother who came charging in to see my whole body shaking and tears running down my face. now guys i have never had dreams like this ever! i've had nightmares but never anything that had me screaming and crying and afraid to go to sleeP.

please can someone tell me i'm not going crazy. im at my wits end....

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: was it just a dream or was it real??

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hello Friend,
Many people have had similar experiences, including some of us here at the forum. It does sound like an "alien visitation"...but strange that the alien did not move when you started to claw its eyes out. It almost seems like the alien was either a holographic projection or perhaps it was a fake "alien suit" that the military has been known to use during MILABS (military abductions).

Did you see anyone else at all? You said that you felt someone touch you, so obviously someone was moving around.

Either way, you had a real experience. There is a lot more to this world than just our physical bodies; we are multidimensional, we can move our consciousness to other frequencies and experience other dimensions.

You are not alone in this, and you are not crazy.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
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Re: was it just a dream or was it real??

Post by guldage »

I fell for you. I now what it is like.

Just remember. However creepy and terrifing it is. You are in one piece. In time you will get the distance to it.
I do not now if you have had odd exsperiences in life before, but if it should happen again hold on to that thought. It does help even if it does not take the fear away. What it does do when it happens is that it keeps the panic down a bit and therefor makes it easier to dell with when it happens.
I have had these kind of terrible exsperiances for most of my life. Most I have forgotten. The ones from my childhood. I have however recently started to remember af lot of it.

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Re: was it just a dream or was it real??

Post by wings »

Guldage, perhaps you should start writing about them. It might help others.

IFeelCrazy, sorry that this happened to you. Maybe they will go away. When things go crazy for me, I start praying. 'God help me!' I start calling on Jesus, I rebuke the devil in the name of Jesus, I yell at them (sometimes in my mind) to get out.

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Re: was it just a dream or was it real??

Post by guldage »

I have though about it actually writing about the whole thing. I also find that writing it down makes it easier to remember and to keep the memory with and it also make it easier to dell with. I think its a got ideer if many did this. that way the exsperiance can be compared and make people understand they do not fight this on their own.

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Re: was it just a dream or was it real??

Post by wings »

I agree.

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Re: was it just a dream or was it real??

Post by Dave »

Hi, I'm brand new here, and just found this thread.
I was drawn to the title as I have had a few odd experiences which I can't figure out if they were actually happening to me, or if they were just very vivid dreams!

The first one that I remember is when I was a young boy (somewhere between 10 and 11, I think)
I woke up in the middle of the night, and went downstairs to the kitchen to get a glass of water. I'll never forget how bright the moon was, and I didn't need to turn on a light.
I fill my glass, and decide to sit on the floor, looking up, out of the window, onto a crystal clear night. (Now I think of it, I don't recall seeing the moon... Just stars.)

Then, from the corner of the window frame, just coming into view, was what I would describe as an eye in the sky, made up of thousands of points of light arranged in concentric rings.
Turquoise for the outside section, a gap, red for the inner, and a dark center.

From the center, I see a flash of really bright light, and I wake up in my bed upside down (my feet were on the pillow.)

I have had a few more vivid dreams in this vane, and would really like to get to the bottom of it.

Thanks for reading this, and I hope it's in the right place!

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Re: was it just a dream or was it real??

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

Last edited by ManhattanSkyline on Fri May 31, 2024 6:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: was it just a dream or was it real??

Post by Dave »

Hi! Thanks for the response!

All this happened before I read anything on alien abduction, and experiences too, I'm so glad I'm not on my own here!!

On reading your post, it did occur to me that everything was crystal clear... I mean VIVIDLY so.
Back then I didn't need glasses, so it didn't really seem like too big a deal I suppose. That, and I was quite young, and remembering things from ones youth often have a way of seeming enhanced, in a strange sort of way.

I recently had a kind of regression session with a friend of mine, who is also studying the field of Alien contact, and I'm certain both she, and her partner have had experiences too.
She took me back to that scene, in the kitchen, and I'm sitting on the floor with my glass of water looking at the "eye in the sky made of stars"... and I saw a figure, about 3 1/2 - 4 ft tall, with its hand on my shoulder, and I remember eyes... large eyes like almonds. They had detail in them. The best way I can describe it is a bit like a cross between a cats eye, and a crested geckos eye... EASILY the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen in my life... and they were right there, inches away from mine.

While I was undergoing the regression though, I had the most peculiar thing happen.
I was imagining my "happy place", which was an old castle in my home town in West Wales. But as I was getting there, I could almost see (in a kind of shadowy sense, if you know what I mean) four figures with almond shaped eyes over me, and they were looking at each other, like they were talking, but I couldn't hear anything. Looking ahead was another figure in what looked like a doorway, but I couldn't quite make out any details to be specific, which was a shame.
Next thing I know, I find myself in a forest, with jellyfish like creatures floating between the trees. This place made me feel at peace, so that became my "happy place" instead!

I drew the figure that appeared in my kitchen, and gave it to my friend... I'll have to get them to send me a scanned copy so I can post it up in the gallery, along with my depiction of the eye in the sky... Come to think of it, I could draw quite a few interesting things for the gallery, so I'd better hop to it!

I might start another thread documenting my experiences, as this one is not the only one by a long shot! I hope this is ok with Bonnie :)

Excuse the rambling, but I'm chuffed to have a response from someone who has had a similar experience to myself, and I wish you all the best!

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