Strange Happening, Am I The Only One Here?

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Strange Happening, Am I The Only One Here?

Post by BlackStar2015 »

So today between 12:45 and 1:00 pm, within a span of 15 minutes, I laid down to take a quick nap and I had a dream that felt like and out-of-body occurrence in which I was following a string of green lights against a gray and white background. Immediately afterwards I had a dream about being in the same house I was in, then following somebody to another house. At this point the dream ceased and I was in an aware, yet not fully conscious state. Here's where it got weird.

As I lay awakened in this state I felt a sensation come over me. It felt as if I was about to be taken somewhere. For a couple moments I went with it, keep in mind I was CONSCIOUS at this point. The only difference between this and my regular state of being awake was that I was unable to move my body, indicating more of a spiritual state than a bodily one. I had a vision of what I would describe as static on a television only the lines were more thicker, better defined, and running lengthwise while still retaining the aesthetic of television static.

I was comfortable with going along with whatever since I had been trying to contact benevolent UFO's ever since an experience in which I believe I was contact by them, but after making out what I interpreted as Gray alien faces from that television static-like vision, I resolved myself to wake up and I was successful, once again gaining control of my body.

Something I took from this experience was the feeling that I was being held in place by some kind of psychic force. For the last six months I have been trying to gain better control of my bodily energies and while I felt I've made great progress, when I was trying to gain control of myself, it was the same kind of feeling that I get when I draw out energy. To better illustrate this sensation, it's like allowing your body feel and be moved by a very slight, yet distinguishable force.

Anyways, I wanted to know if anybody has had an experience similar to this one.


Re: Strange Happening, Am I The Only One Here?

Post by guarded1 »

this reminds me of the law of attraction. where you think something will happen and then it happens because you said it would. but in the case what is perceived in such a manner is that perhaps you had asked for something benevolent yet nothing benevelant ever came. benevelant is someone unlike myself I may seem nice but I have a motive however the motive is to help people understand energy. if I can can give people scope of the potential of energy ive done a good job. im trying to be nice to people and yes helping people protect themselves creates a momnt where the scope of energy is realized. but something like me is not benevelant because I had motives that might seem inappropriate. motives in example are perceived as good and bad. it always varies but trying to find a good alien perhaps that is possible but in the end they may just be putting on a show or play. I want to say every alien is bad but ive met one with pure intentions going against her whole race to be a good being. that should tell you something. if you have to betray your kind to be considered good does that make her kind evil. how that is perceived is left to a person. I may present a biased opinion however. you wanted a benevelant alien encounter and you got an encounter of an alien kind.

closest thing I had to this kind of experience was when the feds took me to an ambush. without my energy knowledge id be dead. I might have explained the scenario before.

knowing energy however I could find an explanation based on some experience. a persons spirit body the ether self or body inhabited during most encounters, take your pick on a label but it is very much moveable by flight unless you meld or connect your legs controls to that consciousness and then you can actually walk or still fly with effort. however the experience is merely simulated flight given you just didn't feel your ether legs move. however this does not mean a person doesn't fly in dreams just not in that way. for example I call a complex system that fires a thrust like ether myst to generate fast travel in dream situation however I could simply fly by observing a no mass principal of the etheric body. my version of flight is simple yet too complicated to explain. I just think im flying and I do. now to explain why this body doesn't move can be complicated it can be made simple too. force is applied and it grips you holding tightly. ive had this particular experience often with demons whether I wanted it or not and am working on a way to force the body to move under such gripping pressure. I was able to break my right shoulder and arm free and was trying to spread the freedom to my left arm. its a pain and a person with no nervous structure in their etheric body should not bother to try that. there is a different way but it involves doing something to find the forces host and somehow throw him off or in the case of a demon kill it. but they remain difficult and elusive. however I almost had something terrible happen to me but I ended up absorbing him before he could hurt me. sometimes you play unfairly when you are unfairly imprisoned. but yeah throw them off. if your dreaming manipulate your surroundings. but you and you particularly have other options if your energy skill is good enough. do you know how to expel energy as a force. expelling force by perhaps a method of explosive energy emissions in a ball shape coming from the core of your being and extending outwards requires a good deal of energy and will. it might push the energy or force away from you. but ive only seen hostile forces do this to me. a benevelant being would never do this to you though. its too mean and oppresses ones freedom. if your being forced to be somewhere its probably a bad idea.

again overcoming the force requires will and force of your own. however knowing why these alien are so strong and forceful they cannot stop the force of an amplified muscle structure. not even their will is great enough to stop an energized body. if you know the right way to strengthen your body it mght be less of a problem. I myself have difficulty becoming conscious but I know many ways to get out of sticky situations.

I could be wrong but I explained merely one method of overcoming oppressive force. its almost borderline possessing to those who know it comes from a demon. ive had several attempts on me and very considerable problems and am still new to expanded consciousness while in 4th planes but I present a mind full of ideas and the energy within to achieve them. hopefully I answered the right part of your question.

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Re: Strange Happening, Am I The Only One Here?

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

Last edited by ManhattanSkyline on Fri May 31, 2024 7:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Strange Happening, Am I The Only One Here?

Post by guarded1 »

well for manhatten perhaps the space is just more dense as in it has a larger energy density. that is a possibility.

now more complicated energy density can affect many aspects of a given space. the energy might also be accompanied by a frequency as well. but dense space is meely a higher frequency as well. the more dense the higher that frequency can be. its more accessed subconsciously. however if you could drain the energy it could lower or change the given frequencies in the space. as dense space is just more energized space it might change how you percieve that space. ever since i cut the ether density to a tenth and absorbed it into my modified armlet ive had no encounters. however if a person had much ether they could raise the density however it would take alot. id have to pick my battles at this point. a drawback to the density is me myself being unable to have as much energy around limiting my abilitys as well considering the given space has a tenth its resources. sadly the armlet is blessed and i am unable to give any of its abilities to others. however it has leaved my dream space to be inhabited by my inner subconscious self with for once no intruders. if they did they would more than likely be losing energy at exponential levels.

however i figured after getting stabbed in the brain they would have changed tactics but they had alien knowledge. it was feds. the demonic repelling power of christ has seen no demon intrusions. and all aliens have also ceased coming after me. abruptly and even though they want to come at me. i know one in particular however not her real name and she is a bit of a problem however i havent seen anyone from her branch in a while. she has powers though and countless sacrificial soldiers. she controls people by some unknown and she currently has power over a friend. however she isnt too high on the totem poll. there are still demons who fear worse punishment than upsetting her control.

dont think me crazy though. if i tried i could see her abilities as rank and fear. she is feared but not as highly as others. it follows my theory that they rule through fear. its what they do at dulce. as for her power im aware that she is not human and not demon but also not alien. if anyone remembers the part where some angels defected this person is related to that source energy.

i know little about her abilities but i still wish to at least eliminate her control over certain people. before i left my past from there i made three friends, three people that really messed up. i was given information and for some reason i feel i should help them but i require the ability to lucid dream at a level i cant right now. i mean ive been lucid and i cut people because i wasnt thinking clearly. i could have handled many situations much better and cleaner. but ive tested many parts of my idea but i cant seem to put them all together. and i miss two key points both which i think ill learn from my inner self but i need to speak back at him to answers these questions.

i was going to make this a separate post but it spun to this point.

i think in a way that is different aand im skilled in the art of defense so much so that i lost myself after finding myself again i had burned many bridges and cut off my connections however before i did i speculated an interesting new power. i can dream jump. what this means exactly is by linking a powerful connection with someone and given the lucidity i can rent space by means of a teleport system. and rapidly travel in this chasm of dense space and end up in someone elses dream. it may not be much of a shocker but for feds to get into dreams they have to know this power. but its the source that begs the question. how did they get demons to tell them how. but i have heard of a person who says that dream dimensions are linked heavily. but since thhis dimension also affects the mind it has subconscious effects most people dont realize. now what they dont know is how to enter the mind of siad person. so as i said with dense space creating a frequency outside a persons brain might impact something small and ramp up to some exponent later. ive made no deals but was actually collecting a debt. however it is not what i want to talk about. perhaps some demons have gone rouge. but i only trust one. and i cant even do anything to help her.

i wish i didnt flesh out my past so much more, for some reason though ive found this a way to get over the bad ive done. i have many abilities that arent related to defense. most are invasive however and against code to use but if something falls under conditions its no longer invasive. i havent used these powers lately. but when i left i was bent with grief. three different problems three different solutions.

however i can solve one based on what i know. the other two are complicated. however unless someone knows about the brain perhaps i will have to ask my subconscious. however i cant trust it without seeing it. i have a problem with relying on esp for important life effecting information.
but in order to do anything i must lucid dream effectively. btw i can reverse the ether density flow to return normalcy. my armlet is merely being used to relieve me.

anyways im sorry for putting it here but i really want to help some old friends. i need more lucidity. i can teach some special abilities on how to look into someone without them knowing perhaps a deep look into something. i say this strategically. because perhaps its just the feeling that someone might say oh how are you gonna know yoour talking to your inner self. the answer i look at its essence its being. if it matches correctly and certain parts are there ill know. but if i look deeply and see a deceptive form looking at me trying to pass i can remove it. i dont even have to know where im sending him but i can bend space while dreaming so that isnt a problem. thats how i can get to a persons mind. but what i do then is hard as i dont quite understand how this ability works. i only have some semblence . but i think i can figure something out. im determined to help the friends i had and make up for just leaving.

one last tidbit saying this puts me at risk but ill handle the problem if it ever comes. hopefully ill have help too. the evil i left behind nearly killed me. i left to save myself but if they creep here undersand that they dont believe in psychic powers nor that energy vibrates they felt the need to say matter just exists as is even though i asked. they are crazy and bully people. i nearly committed suicide from their groups antics. but instead i lost myself leaving it and dumping them from life but they haunt my memories. one also appeared to work for politicians but they work for the feds mostly who in turn work for demons. also i hate politics. its the devils game. no matter who you pick it feels the same thing is going to happen. but they arent a threat unless together and they stand no chance here. they are anti peace and manipulate people to the point where bad things always seem to happen but it would take many for them to work here. also if i happen to find one here i can always learn from a person i know in life. she knows how to do just about anything mind related. besides what i can do of course. so far ive been safe but i just feel ill be haunted by this till i help them. but what i know about the group is accurate. they said it themselves. the only reasons i ever lost to their words was because they controlled info, who knew it and why. they also had a hard time when i told people what was going on and then they had everyone block me. they even manipulated my rants, blowing my negative points up and denying the good parts. they are a very thorough group and the kingpin is unknown. the master wasnt happy with them being left behind. i doubt theyd come here though. the people on this site seem to be too peaceful to allow their type. i remember the master calling them nazis. oh well this is too long and it got out of hand. i wish i could stop doing this but its how i work. as i said i think differently than others. i dont remember things well unless i actually need to or associate them with something. the info seems perfect at the time but its always random. i just hope i dont have to deal with them directly. id rather use the dream plane to fix the damage they did to themselves. i had no true part in what happened. two were possessed and one got greedy with strength. his mind unraveled as a result. one of the possesed sent me a message a couple months ago. i dont know what to make of it. i dont like what the demon did to her mind but it may have influenced her thinking. as for the other possesed shes fargone and controlled. but there are ways to save her. the last decided he wanted to be strong. while he is superhuman physically it awoken something in his mind. a side effect of his growth in power. returning him to normal might save him. i cant imagine hes thinking clearly but i dont know his deal. i wish he wasnt so greedy for power. but someone else unlocked the beast within him he now is influenced heavily as far as i know. i dont plan on returning to the site but i owe them a better life for what theyve been able to do for me.

hoping to make good on my half im desperate to gain lucidity in dreams and am willing to release a very powerful skill allowing a person to look deep into an alien or demon or person however i have to release a portion of the mental ability so that it is nullified should you not have permission. although if you look into an alien i would suggest it be friendly and have little reason to hide its core essence. i used to be able to look into people so easily as if it was second nature. every person is unique different energy different category. while it is dull now it is like riding a bicycle. this might be useful if anyone doubts someone or something. this skill is why i dont trust demons. however this is only useful to see the very core of a persons being and without proximity noone is going to be affected. the skill only works if you have high spatial skills for long range but short range is easy.

ive said enough. sorry about this being so long. perhaps if people could help. ill keep asking though.

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