The star people are multi-dimensional, benevolent teachers that I have been meeting with in the alternate reality (or the etheric plane). This happens when I am Out-of-Body at night. Over my lifetime, they have taught me how to raise my vibrational frequency, how to defend myself against attackers including military-trained psychics, how to work with energy on the etheric plane, and how to manifest reality.

Contactees talk about how the star people came to visit them when they were children. We were all put through psychic testing. If you pass the test, you go up to the next level to the next test. This happened to me. When I was 19 years old, I started learning in the star people school (in the alternate reality) and then graduated five years later.

One of the biggest lessons was about “The Shift”: Back in 1988, the star people told me that the Earth will go through a dimensional shift and a shift of consciousness, which is also a shift in vibrational frequency. So I began learning how to raise my vibrational frequency in order to make it through the shift, watch the old matrix disappear, and create a new world.

The shift might be magnetic and it could be physical. Seeing what is going on in the world today, with all the extreme weather and disasters happening, it seems that perhaps this shift is physical. It could be that some of these catastrophes are natural and some are man-made using technology such as HAARP.

I know we are gradually working towards this shift, step by step, and good people with love in their hearts will be just fine. Becoming more consciously aware of who we really are and taking responsibility for our own lives will help us make it through the jump in vibrational frequency to higher states of awareness.

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