Bases Interview Bonnie Jean Mitchell

Bonnie Jean Mitchell speaks with Miles Johnston of The Bases Project on February 9th and then again on February 17th 2022. Some of the topics covered are: Bonnie’s experiences with the Star People from a young age, using the third eye, seeing into other dimensions, extradimensional abilities, the secret government, Military Abduction, underground bases, Reptilian military officer, military trained psychics, military personnel disguised as aliens, training with the star people in the “star people school,” vision of New York City melting from the top down, the end of the matrix, The Shift of Consciousness, raising vibrational frequency, and becoming our true spiritual selves.

As we awaken and shift into higher states of awareness, we are remembering WHO WE ARE. This is when we take our power back! The Controllers will flee from us when we remember who we are. They are terrified of The Shift and they are trying to stop it from happening, but they cannot. Nothing can stop the LOVE and LIGHT rising within our hearts and filling us with strength. We are eternal, spiritual beings who are only here in the physical world temporarily. Now is the time to stand your ground and speak your truth. Stand up for what is right. We can manifest reality!

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