The Shift

The Shift: A Lifetime of Contact Leading to Higher Consciousness is my new book! This video is a look inside the book to give you an idea of what to expect. I touch on each chapter and cover topics such […]

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When the Storm Comes

When the storm comes, go inward to find the light and your salvation. Connect to your highest self and to Source. If you do this in the present moment, you have nothing to worry about. Let go of the past

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Frequency Bridges

Frequency Bridges connect different vibrational frequencies. You can find them on the etheric plane while you are traveling Out-of-Body.This will help you raise your frequency and explore new worlds. A theme that has been prevalent throughout my life-long journey with

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The Matrix will Vanish

The Matrix will Vanish, according to the multidimensional star people who have been teaching me when I go Out-of-Body. The matrix system, including all the “man-made” (although it seems it was not originally created by man at all) structures will

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We are Shifting

We are shifting up into a higher state of conscious awareness. As we begin to remember who we are, the controller’s matrix system is falling apart.  They are struggling to hold it together as the truth comes out and everyone

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