the world of bliss

Raise your vibrational frequency and change your perspective by allowing new thought patterns to enter your mind. The World of Bliss is waiting for you! On January 20, 2020, I had an incredible experience while Out-of-Body. I met with 5 friends who I studied with in the Star People school. We all flew up into the sky together, as a group. We went straight up to the firmament of the Earth, which was made of water. We flew up through the water and emerged onto the plane above the earth plane. It was a pristine, pure land that looked like earth but it was beautiful and clean. I call it “the world of bliss” because the vibrational frequency up there was so blissful!

I plan to go back up to the world of bliss when I am done with my work here on Earth. I know that in order to do this, I must stay in a high vibrational frequency of love and light as we all Shift into a new level of conscious awareness. Part of Shifting is to let go of the past and all the indoctrination we’ve been through. It means letting go of the mind control and programming to allow room for new ideas in our minds. Moving up into higher frequencies can sometimes be subtle and may present itself to us through feelings and new thoughts. Allow yourself to investigate new ideas, even if they seem outlandish at first. Do not dismiss them but take time to look at the evidence with your own discernment. This can help your perspective change and grow in new directions.

One of these “outlandish” ideas may be the flat earth theory. There is more and more evidence to back it up. Here is some information about it:

It is time to let go of the past and focus now on discovering your true self. You are not the role you play in this life or your job or who other people might think you are. You are an eternal, spiritual being on a specific path. Let this old, dying world go and allow new thoughts and ideas to come into your mind. Allow yourself room to grow and expand into a higher state of being.
shift your point of power

I realized today that the secret government/the controllers may be beginning their “Project Blue Beam” agenda. They are now openly speaking about UFOs. The media is saying that unidentified objects have been shot down by military jets over the United States and Canada. They are putting the idea into the mind of the general public that aliens are coming. Of course, those of us who already know the truth realize that “aliens” have been here all along. This is just the moment when the controllers are ready to stage their fake alien invasion. Keep your eyes open for this. I will most likely make the next video about Project Blue Beam.

2 thoughts on “The World of Bliss”

  1. Dear Bonnie

    By chance, I saw your video through YouTube and liked your talk very much…

    I am writing this letter to express my thanks and best wishes to you

    Thank you so much for standing up for all and expressing the truth

    I don’t know how to express my inner feelings, really thank you for being brave enough to stand up and speak the truth…

    Your website and videos have brought a lot of inspiration and touch, my heart is very happy…

    We are creatures of love , we are born of love

    In love we will always be free…

    In love we are all our own…

    In love we will know ourselves fully…

    In love we shall find deep unshakable peace…

    Ava from Taiwan

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